Type | Description | |||
String | A string expression that defines the editor's mask. |
Use the MaskChar property to change the masking character. If the Mask property is empty no filter is applied. The Mask property is composed by a combination of regular characters, literal escape characters, and masking characters. The Mask property can contain also alternative characters, or range rules. A literal escape character is preceded by a \ character, and it is used to display a character that is used in masking rules. Here's the list of all rules and masking characters:
Rule | Name | Description |
# | Digit | Masks a digit character. [0-9] |
x | Hexa Lower | Masks a lower hexa character. [0-9],[a-f] |
X | Hexa Upper | Masks a upper hexa character. [0-9],[A-F] |
A | AlphaNumeric | Masks a letter or a digit. [0-9], [a-z], [A-Z] |
? | Alphabetic | Masks a letter. [a-z],[A-Z] |
< | Alphabetic Lower | Masks a lower letter. [a-z] |
> | Alphabetic Upper | Masks an upper letter. [A-Z] |
* | Any | Mask any combination of characters. |
\ | Literal Escape | Displays any masking characters. The following combinations are valid: \#,\x,\X,\A,\?,\<,\>,\\,\{,\[ |
{nMin,nMax} | Range | Masks a number in a range. The nMin and nMax values should be numbers. For instance the mask {0,255} will mask any number between 0 and 255. |
[...] | Alternative | Masks any characters that are contaied by brackets []. For instance, the [abcA-C] mask any character: a,b,c,A,B,C |
The following VB sample adds an IP editor:
With Record1 .BeginUpdate With .Add("IP", EXRECORDLibCtl.MaskType) .Mask = "{0,255}\.{0,255}\.{0,255}\.{0,255}" .Value = "" End With .EndUpdate End With
The following VC sample adds a Phone editor:
COleVariant vtMissing; vtMissing.vt = VT_ERROR; CEditor editor = m_record.Add(COleVariant("Phone"), /*MaskType*/ 8, vtMissing ); editor.SetMask("(###) ### - ####"); editor.SetValue( COleVariant( "(0744) 845 - 2835" ) ); m_record.Refresh();