property OleEvent.Param (item as Variant) as OleEventParam

Retrieves an OleEventParam object given either the index of the parameter, or its name.

item as Variant A long expression that indicates the argument's index or a a string expression that indicates the argument's name.

An OleEventParam object that contains the name and the value for the argument.

The following VB sample shows how to enumerate the arguments of an OLE event:
Private Sub Record1_UserEditorOleEvent(ByVal Object As Object, ByVal Ev As EXRECORDLibCtl.IOleEvent, ByVal Ed As EXRECORDLibCtl.IEditor)
On Error Resume Next
    Debug.Print "Event name: " & Ev.Name
    If (Ev.CountParam = 0) Then
       Debug.Print vbTab & "The event has no arguments."
       Debug.Print "The event has the following arguments:"
       Dim i As Long
       For i = 0 To Ev.CountParam - 1
          Debug.Print vbTab & Ev(i).Name; " = " & Ev(i).Value
    End If
End Sub

The following VC sample enumerates the arguments of an OLE event:

void OnUserEditorOleEventRecord1(LPDISPATCH Object, LPDISPATCH Ev, LPDISPATCH Ed) 
	EXRECORDLib::IOleEventPtr spEvent = Ev;
	CString strOutput = "Event name: ";
	strOutput += spEvent->Name;
	strOutput += "\r\n";
	if ( spEvent->CountParam == 0 )
		strOutput += "\tThe event has no arguments.";
		strOutput += "\tThe event has no arguments.\r\n";
		for ( long i = 0; i < spEvent->CountParam; i++ )
			strOutput += spEvent->GetParam( v(i) )->Name;
			strOutput += " = ";
			strOutput += V2S( &spEvent->GetParam( v(i) )->Value);
			strOutput += "\r\n";

	m_output = strOutput;
	UpdateData( FALSE );

The #import "c:\winnt\system32\ExRecord.dll" generates the EXRECORDLib namespace that includes definitions for OleEvent and OleEventParam objects.