property Record.Count as Long
Returns the number of editors in a control.

Long A long expression that indicates the number editors in the control.
The Count property counts the number of editors in the control. Use the Add method to add new editors to the control. Use the DataSource property to bind a recordset to the control. Use the Item property to access an editor by its index or by its index. Use the ItemByPosition property to access an editor by its position. 

The following VB sample enumerates the visible editors in the control, as they are created:

Dim i As Long
With Record1
    For i = 0 To .Count - 1
        Dim e As EXRECORDLibCtl.Editor
        Set e = .Item(i)
        If (e.Visible) Then
            Debug.Print e.Label
        End If
End With

The following VB sample enumerates all editors in the control:

Dim e As EXRECORDLibCtl.Editor
For Each e In Record1
    Debug.Print e.Label

The following VC sample enumerates all editors in the control:

for ( long i = 0; i < m_record.GetCount(); i++ )
	CEditor editor = m_record.GetItem( COleVariant( i ) );
	TCHAR szOutput[1024];
	wsprintf( szOutput, "%s\n", (LPCTSTR)editor.GetLabel() );
	OutputDebugString( szOutput );