property Ribbon.AllowToolTip as Boolean
Allows or prevents showing the item's tooltip.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the control displays the item's tooltip when the cursor hovers the item.
By default, the AllowToolTip property is True. Use the AllowToolTip property on False, to prevent shown the item's tooltip when the cursor hovers the item. The Tooltip property assigns a HTML tooltip to an item, that's displayed only when the cursor hovers the item. The TooltipTitle property specifies the title for the item's tooltip. The TooltipDelay property specifies the time until the tooltip is shown. Use the ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify the width of the tooltip window. The ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font. Use the Background(exToolTipAppearance) property indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color. Use the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property indicates the tooltip's foreground color.

How do I disable showing the tooltip for all control?

VBA (MS Access, Excell...)

With Ribbon1
	.AllowToolTip = False
	With .Items
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	End With
End With


With Ribbon1
	.AllowToolTip = False
	With .Items
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	End With
End With


With Exribbon1
	.AllowToolTip = False
	With .Items
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	End With
End With


With AxRibbon1
	.AllowToolTip = False
	With .Items
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	End With
End With


	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXRIBBONLib' for the library: 'ExRibbon 1.0 Control Library'

	#import <ExRibbon.dll>
	using namespace EXRIBBONLib;
EXRIBBONLib::IRibbonPtr spRibbon1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_RIBBON1)->GetControlUnknown();
EXRIBBONLib::IItemsPtr var_Items = spRibbon1->GetItems();
	var_Items->Add(L"Item",vtMissing,vtMissing)->PutTooltip(L"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it");
	var_Items->Add(L"Item",vtMissing,vtMissing)->PutTooltip(L"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it");

C++ Builder

Ribbon1->AllowToolTip = false;
Exribbonlib_tlb::IItemsPtr var_Items = Ribbon1->Items;
	var_Items->Add(L"Item",TNoParam(),TNoParam())->Tooltip = L"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";
	var_Items->Add(L"Item",TNoParam(),TNoParam())->Tooltip = L"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";


exribbon1.AllowToolTip = false;
exontrol.EXRIBBONLib.Items var_Items = exribbon1.Items;
	var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";
	var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";


<BODY onload='Init()'>
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:DDF58CFA-750F-45E0-8A00-CFBE431702E2" id="Ribbon1"></OBJECT>

function Init()
	Ribbon1.AllowToolTip = false;
	var var_Items = Ribbon1.Items;
		var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";
		var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";


<BODY onload='Init()'>
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:DDF58CFA-750F-45E0-8A00-CFBE431702E2" id="Ribbon1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With Ribbon1
		.AllowToolTip = False
		With .Items
			.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
			.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		End With
	End With
End Function

C# for /COM

axRibbon1.AllowToolTip = false;
EXRIBBONLib.Items var_Items = axRibbon1.Items;
	var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";
	var_Items.Add("Item",null,null).Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it";

X++ (Dynamics Ax 2009)

public void init()
	COM com_Item,com_Items;
	anytype var_Item,var_Items;


	var_Items = exribbon1.Items(); com_Items = var_Items;
		var_Item = COM::createFromObject(com_Items.Add("Item")); com_Item = var_Item;
		com_Item.Tooltip("this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it");
		var_Item = COM::createFromObject(com_Items.Add("Item")); com_Item = var_Item;
		com_Item.Tooltip("this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it");

Delphi 8 (.NET only)

with AxRibbon1 do
	AllowToolTip := False;
	with Items do
		Add('Item',Nil,Nil).Tooltip := 'this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it';
		Add('Item',Nil,Nil).Tooltip := 'this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it';

Delphi (standard)

with Ribbon1 do
	AllowToolTip := False;
	with Items do
		Add('Item',Null,Null).Tooltip := 'this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it';
		Add('Item',Null,Null).Tooltip := 'this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it';


with thisform.Ribbon1
	.AllowToolTip = .F.
	with .Items
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"

dBASE Plus

local oRibbon,var_Item,var_Item1,var_Items

oRibbon = form.Activex1.nativeObject
oRibbon.AllowToolTip = false
var_Items = oRibbon.Items
	// var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item")
	with (oRibbon)
		TemplateDef = [Dim var_Item]
		TemplateDef = var_Item
		Template = [var_Item.Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"]
	// var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Item1 = var_Items.Add("Item")
	with (oRibbon)
		TemplateDef = [Dim var_Item1]
		TemplateDef = var_Item1
		Template = [var_Item1.Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"]

XBasic (Alpha Five)

Dim oRibbon as P
Dim var_Item as P
Dim var_Item1 as P
Dim var_Items as P

oRibbon = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex
oRibbon.AllowToolTip = .f.
var_Items = oRibbon.Items
	' var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item")
	oRibbon.TemplateDef = "Dim var_Item"
	oRibbon.TemplateDef = var_Item
	oRibbon.Template = "var_Item.Tooltip = \"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it\""

	' var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Item1 = var_Items.Add("Item")
	oRibbon.TemplateDef = "Dim var_Item1"
	oRibbon.TemplateDef = var_Item1
	oRibbon.Template = "var_Item1.Tooltip = \"this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it\""


Visual Objects

local var_Items as IItems

oDCOCX_Exontrol1:AllowToolTip := false
var_Items := oDCOCX_Exontrol1:Items
	var_Items:Add("Item",nil,nil):Tooltip := "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Items:Add("Item",nil,nil):Tooltip := "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"


OleObject oRibbon,var_Items

oRibbon = ole_1.Object
oRibbon.AllowToolTip = false
var_Items = oRibbon.Items
	var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
	var_Items.Add("Item").Tooltip = "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"

Visual DataFlex

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComAllowToolTip to False
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Variant voItem
		Get ComAdd of hoItems "Item" Nothing Nothing to voItem
		Handle hoItem
		Get Create (RefClass(cComItem)) to hoItem
		Set pvComObject of hoItem to voItem
			Set ComTooltip of hoItem to "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		Send Destroy to hoItem
		Variant voItem1
		Get ComAdd of hoItems "Item" Nothing Nothing to voItem1
		Handle hoItem1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComItem)) to hoItem1
		Set pvComObject of hoItem1 to voItem1
			Set ComTooltip of hoItem1 to "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
		Send Destroy to hoItem1
	Send Destroy to hoItems
	Send ComRefresh


#include ""
#include ""

 	LOCAL oForm
	LOCAL nEvent := 0, mp1 := NIL, mp2 := NIL, oXbp := NIL
	LOCAL oItems
	LOCAL oRibbon

	oForm := XbpDialog():new( AppDesktop() )
	oForm:drawingArea:clipChildren := .T.
	oForm:create( ,,{100,100}, {640,480},, .F. )
	oForm:close  := {|| PostAppEvent( xbeP_Quit )}

	oRibbon := XbpActiveXControl():new( oForm:drawingArea )
	oRibbon:CLSID  := "Exontrol.Ribbon.1" /*{DDF58CFA-750F-45E0-8A00-CFBE431702E2}*/
	oRibbon:create(,, {10,60},{610,370} )

		oRibbon:AllowToolTip := .F.
		oItems := oRibbon:Items()
			oItems:Add("Item"):Tooltip := "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"
			oItems:Add("Item"):Tooltip := "this is a bit of text to be shown when cursor hovers it"

	DO WHILE nEvent != xbeP_Quit
		nEvent := AppEvent( @mp1, @mp2, @oXbp )
		oXbp:handleEvent( nEvent, mp1, mp2 )