property Ribbon.GetChecked as Variant
Retrieves an array of Item objects, that displays a check box which is checked.

Variant A Safe-Array of Item objects that indicates the checked items in the control. The collection does include only items with the Check property set on True.
The GetChecked property gets a collection of checked items. The GetUnchecked property gets a collection of checked items. The GetRadio method gets a safe array with the radio-items being checked within a radio group.  The Check property indicates whether the current item displays a check box.  The Checked property specifies whether the item is checked or un-checked. The Radio property specifies whether the item displays a radio-button. The RadioGroup property specifies a group of radio-buttons.  A radio group allows a single radio-item to be checked inside.

The following VB sample displays the caption of the items being checked in the control:

Dim c As Variant
For Each c In ribbon.GetChecked
    Debug.Print vbTab & c.Caption

The following VB/NET sample displays the caption of the items being checked in the control:

Dim c As Object
For Each c In Exribbon1.GetChecked
    Debug.Print(vbTab & c.Caption)

The following C# sample displays the caption of the items being checked in the control:

foreach (exontrol.EXRIBBONLib.Item i in exribbon1.GetChecked)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("\t" + i.Caption);