Is there a way to change the header names

With AxExShellView1
	.ColumnNames = "Name(Ime),Date modified(Datum),Item type(Tip),Size(Velikost)"
End With
Disable or prevent the header's context-menu
With AxExShellView1
	.AllowContextMenu = EXSHELLVIEWLib.AllowContextMenuEnum.exAllowListViewContextMenu
End With
Disable or prevent the list-view's context-menu
With AxExShellView1
	.AllowContextMenu = EXSHELLVIEWLib.AllowContextMenuEnum.exAllowHeaderContextMenu
End With
Disable or prevent the control's context-menu
With AxExShellView1
	.AllowContextMenu = EXSHELLVIEWLib.AllowContextMenuEnum.exDisableContextMenu
End With
How can I add my own items, without the default context menu

' InvokeMenuCommand event - Fired when the user selects an item context menu that has been added during QueryContextMenu event.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_InvokeMenuCommand(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_InvokeMenuCommandEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.InvokeMenuCommand
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( e.command )
	End With
End Sub

' QueryContextMenu event - Fired when the context menu is about to be active. You can supply new items to the context menu.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_QueryContextMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_QueryContextMenuEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.QueryContextMenu
	With AxExShellView1
		e.separator = ","
		e.items = "My First Item,My Second Item"
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.DefaultMenuItems = False
	.BrowseFolder = "c:\Temp"
End With
How can I add my own items

' InvokeMenuCommand event - Fired when the user selects an item context menu that has been added during QueryContextMenu event.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_InvokeMenuCommand(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_InvokeMenuCommandEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.InvokeMenuCommand
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( e.command )
	End With
End Sub

' QueryContextMenu event - Fired when the context menu is about to be active. You can supply new items to the context menu.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_QueryContextMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_QueryContextMenuEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.QueryContextMenu
	With AxExShellView1
		e.separator = ","
		e.items = ",My First Item,My Second Item"
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = "c:\Temp"
End With
The InvokeCommand("open") will not work on a german. What can I do
' DblClick event - Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_DblClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxExShellView1.DblClick
	' Objects(0).InvokeCommand("Open")
	With AxExShellView1
	End With
End Sub

' InvokeItemMenu event - Notifies the application once the user selects a command in the context menu.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_InvokeItemMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_InvokeItemMenuEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.InvokeItemMenu
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( e.command )
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = "c:\Temp"
End With
How can I open the file's properties when user double clicks it
' DblClick event - Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_DblClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxExShellView1.DblClick
	' Objects(0).InvokeCommand("Properties")
	With AxExShellView1
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = "c:\Temp"
End With
We're looking for a control to show files, just like the eXShellView, but than we would like to specify the files themselves. Is that possible using your control

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.LargeIcons
	.HeaderVisible = False
	.BrowseFiles = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe|C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\vfp9.exe"
End With
How do I prevent pressing the Backspace, or go up to the parent

' KeyDown event - Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_KeyDownEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_KeyDownEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.KeyDownEvent
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( "Set the KeyCode = 0, if the KeyCode is 8 " )
		e.keyCode = 0
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Details
	.BrowseFolder = "c:\Temp"
End With
How can I show grid lines around items

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Details
	.DrawGridLines = True
End With
How can I prevent shwoing the overlay icons (shortcut icons have a small arrow in lower-left corner, shared folders have a hand that shows that folder is shared, etc. )

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.LargeIcons
	.OverlayIcons = False
End With
I need to provide my own context menu but I am not able to find RClick event. What can be done

' QueryContextMenu event - Fired when the context menu is about to be active. You can supply new items to the context menu.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_QueryContextMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_QueryContextMenuEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.QueryContextMenu
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( "Show here your popup/context menu" )
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.DefaultMenuItems = False
End With
How can I provide my own context menu (RClick event is missing)

' InvokeMenuCommand event - Fired when the user selects an item context menu that has been added during QueryContextMenu event.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_InvokeMenuCommand(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_InvokeMenuCommandEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.InvokeMenuCommand
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( e.command )
	End With
End Sub

' QueryContextMenu event - Fired when the context menu is about to be active. You can supply new items to the context menu.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_QueryContextMenu(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_QueryContextMenuEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.QueryContextMenu
	With AxExShellView1
		e.separator = ","
		e.items = "First,Second,Third"
	End With
End Sub

With AxExShellView1
	.DefaultMenuItems = False
End With
Is it possible to specify the "Extra Large Icons" view

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Extra_Large_Icons
End With
Is it possible to specify the "Large Icons" view

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Large_Icons
End With
Is it possible to specify the "Medium Icons" view

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Medium_Icons
End With
How can I hide the file names

With AxExShellView1
	.HideFileNames = True
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Thumbnail
End With
Is it possible to set the Auto Arrange and Align To Grid flags by code

With AxExShellView1
	.AutoArrange = True
	.AlignToGrid = True
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Thumbnail
End With
Is it possible to set the Auto Arrange flag by code

With AxExShellView1
	.AutoArrange = True
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Thumbnail
End With
How do I specify the current folder

With AxExShellView1
	.CurrentFolder = "c:\windows"
End With
Is it possible to disable showing tooltips for files and folders

With AxExShellView1
	.HideToolTips = True
End With
Is it possible to hide the control's header

With AxExShellView1
	.HeaderVisible = False
End With
How can I get the name of file being double clicked

' ObjectSelect event - Fired when the user selects a new object for browsing.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_ObjectSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_ObjectSelectEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.ObjectSelect
	With AxExShellView1
		Debug.Print( e.object )
	End With
End Sub

How can I prevent opening or selecting a folder or zip files when user double click it
' ObjectSelect event - Fired when the user selects a new object for browsing.
Private Sub AxExShellView1_ObjectSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSHELLVIEWLib._IExShellViewEvents_ObjectSelectEvent) Handles AxExShellView1.ObjectSelect
	With AxExShellView1
	End With
End Sub

Is it possible to list only files, no folders

With AxExShellView1
End With
How can I enable multiple selection

With AxExShellView1
End With
How can I select a file or a folder

With AxExShellView1
End With
How can I get all files and folders as they are listed
With AxExShellView1
	.Objects.Get(EXSHELLVIEWLib.ObjectTypeEnum.AsDisplayed Or EXSHELLVIEWLib.ObjectTypeEnum.AllItems)
	Debug.Print( .Objects.Count )
End With
How can I get all files and folders being displayed
With AxExShellView1
	Debug.Print( .Objects.Count )
End With
How do I get the selected files or folders as they are displayed
With AxExShellView1
	.Objects.Get(EXSHELLVIEWLib.ObjectTypeEnum.AsDisplayed Or EXSHELLVIEWLib.ObjectTypeEnum.SelectedItems)
	Debug.Print( .Objects.Count )
End With
How do I get the selected files or folders
With AxExShellView1
	Debug.Print( .Objects.Count )
End With
How can I disable or enable the control's context menu

With AxExShellView1
	.DefaultMenuItems = False
End With
How can I include only files that match a pattern

With AxExShellView1
	.IncludeObjectType = EXSHELLVIEWLib.IncludeObjectEnum.PatternObjects
	.FilePattern = "*.exe *.lnk"
End With
How can I include only files that match a pattern

With AxExShellView1
	.IncludeObjectType = EXSHELLVIEWLib.IncludeObjectEnum.PatternObjects
	.FilePattern = "*.bmp"
End With
How can I list only folders in the view

With AxExShellView1
	.IncludeObjectType = EXSHELLVIEWLib.IncludeObjectEnum.FoldersOnly
End With
How do I specify what objects files or folders should be included in the list

With AxExShellView1
	.IncludeObjectType = EXSHELLVIEWLib.IncludeObjectEnum.FoldersOnly
End With
How do I browse a special folder

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = .get_ShellFolder(.get_SpecialFolder(EXSHELLVIEWLib.SpecialFolderPathConstants.Programs))
End With
How can I go up to one level, so I can browse the parent folder

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = .get_ShellFolder("C:\")
End With
How do I browse a specified folder

With AxExShellView1
	.BrowseFolder = .get_ShellFolder("C:\")
End With
How can I disable or enable the entire control

With AxExShellView1
	.Enabled = False
End With
How do I refresh the control
With AxExShellView1
End With
How can I change the control's font

Dim f
With AxExShellView1
	f = CreateObject("StdFont")
	With f
		.Name = "Verdana"
		.Size = 12
	End With
	.Font = f
End With
How can I change the view, so it displays as THUMBNAIL

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Thumbnail
End With
How can I change the view, so it displays as a a grid with details

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.Details
End With
How can I change the view, so it displays as a list

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.List
End With
How can I change the view, so it displays small icons

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.SmallIcon
End With
How can I change the view, so it displays large icons

With AxExShellView1
	.ViewMode = EXSHELLVIEWLib.ViewModeType.LargeIcons
End With