property MsgBox.EBNhWND as Long
Specifies the handle of the eXButton's control that controls the visual appearance for the message box's buttons.

Long A long expression that specifies the handle of the eXButton control that display the buttons of the message box in different states.
By default, The EBNhWND property is 0, which means that the buttons inside the message box are shown using the default background. The hWnd property of the eXButton specifies the handle of the eXButton needed to be passed to the EBNhWND property, so the look or the visual appearance of the buttons inside the eXSkinBox are handled by specified button. Changing the visual appearance for the eXButton makes the eXSkinBox's buttons visual appearance to be changed too.

The following screen shot shows the eXSkinBox control when the EBNhWND property is 0 ( by default ):

The following screen shot shows the eXSkinBox control when the EBNhWND property is not 0 ( MsgBox1.EBNhWND = Button1.hWnd ):