Type | Description | |||
Part as PartEnum | A PartEnum expression that specifies the part where the text is displayed. | |||
String | A String expression that indicates the text being displayed. The Caption property support built-in HTML format as explained bellow. |
The Caption property supports the following built-in HTML tags:
or <font ;31><sha 404040;5;0><fgcolor=FFFFFF>outline anti-aliasing</fgcolor></sha></font> gets:
For instance, the following VB sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:
Private Sub Slider1_Change() With Slider1 .Caption(exThumbPart) = .Value End With End Sub
The following C++ sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:
void OnChangeSlider1() { CString strFormat; strFormat.Format( _T("%i"), m_slider.GetValue() ); m_slider.SetCaption( 256, strFormat ); }
The following VB.NET sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:
With AxSlider1 .set_Caption(EXSLIDERLib.PartEnum.exThumbPart, .Value.ToString()) End With
The following C# sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:
private void axSlider1_Change(object sender, EventArgs e) { axSlider1.set_Caption(EXSLIDERLib.PartEnum.exThumbPart, axSlider1.Value.ToString()); }
The following VFP sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:
*** ActiveX Control Event *** with thisform.Slider1 .Caption(256) = .Value endwith