constants SplitBarModeEnum
The SplitBarModeEnum type defines the type of split bar. The Mode property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the split bar's mode. The SplitBarModeEnum type supports the following values:

exSplitBarAuto0 By default, the Mode property exSplitBarAuto, which indicates that the split bar's mode is determines by its size as:
  • if the width of the split bar is greater or equal than its height, the Mode property is exSplitBarVert
  • if the width of the split bar is less than its height, the Mode property is exSplitBarHorz
exSplitBarHorz1 If the control's Mode property is exSplitBarHorz, the split bar resizes any controls that lie above or below it.
exSplitBarVert2 If the control's Mode property is exSplitBarVert,  the split bar resizes controls that lie to its left or right.