event Drag (Position as Long)
Notifies that the user drags the split bar.

Position as Long A long expression that specifies position the split bar has been moved by dragging. It indicates the distance in pixels, from the point where the dragging begins.
The Drag event is fired contiguously while the split bar is dragging. The control fires DragStart event when the user clicks the split bar ( start dragging the split bar ). The DragEnd event notifies your application that the user releases the split bar ( ends dragging the split bar ). The Enabled property specifies whether the control is enabled or disabled. The MoveTo method moves programmatically the split bar to specified position. The MoveOnDrop property specifies whether the objects to the left/top and right/bottom of the split bar are moved while dragging or just when the user drops the split bar.

Syntax for Drag event, /NET version, on:

private void Drag(object sender,int   Position)

Private Sub Drag(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Position As Integer) Handles Drag
End Sub

Syntax for Drag event, /COM version, on:

private void Drag(object sender, AxEXSPLITBARLib._ISplitBarEvents_DragEvent e)

void OnDrag(long   Position)

void __fastcall Drag(TObject *Sender,long   Position)

procedure Drag(ASender: TObject; Position : Integer);

procedure Drag(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXSPLITBARLib._ISplitBarEvents_DragEvent);

begin event Drag(long  Position)

end event Drag

Private Sub Drag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXSPLITBARLib._ISplitBarEvents_DragEvent) Handles Drag
End Sub

Private Sub Drag(ByVal Position As Long)
End Sub

Private Sub Drag(ByVal Position As Long)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnDrag(oSplitBar,Position)


Syntax for Drag event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="Drag(Position)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function Drag(Position)
End Function

Procedure OnComDrag Integer   llPosition
	Forward Send OnComDrag llPosition

METHOD OCX_Drag(Position) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_Drag(int   _Position)

function Drag as v (Position  as  N)
end function

function nativeObject_Drag(Position)