property Panel.Object as Object
Retrieves the inside control being created by ControlID property.

Object An Object that indicates the inner ActiveX control being created by ControlID property.
Use the Object property to access the properties and methods of the inner ActiveX control. The control supports ActiveX hosting, so you can insert any ActiveX component. The License property specifies the runtime license required to create the inner ActiveX control. Runtime-less controls are not requiring a runtime key so there is not need to call the License property before calling the ControlID property. The control fires the OleEvent event to notify when an inner control fires an event. The ControlID property creates an ActiveX control that's hosted by the control. The look and feel of the inner ActiveX control depends on the identifier you are using, and the version of the library that implements the ActiveX control, so you need to consult the documentation of the inner ActiveX control you are inserting inside the control.

The following VB sample shows "How do I access the properties and the methods of an inner ActiveX control to a panel":

With StatusBar1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0" & _
"/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1" & _
"/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qO" & _
"x3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 4,"c:\exontrol\images\border.ebn"
		.Add 5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1"
	End With
	.BackColorPanels = 83886080
	.BackColor = -2147483633
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	With .Panel(1)
		.ControlID = "MSCAL.Calendar"
		With .Object
			.MonthLength = 0
			.BackColor = 16777215
		End With
	End With
	With .Panel(5)
		.Text = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><img>1</img>75%</fgcolor>"
		.Alignment = exAlignMiddleLeft
		.Percent = 75
		.Transparency = 35
		.Offset = "4 2 -4 -2"
	End With
End With
The following VB.NET sample shows "How do I access the properties and the methods of an inner ActiveX control to a panel":
With AxStatusBar1
	.Images "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0" & _
"/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1" & _
"/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qO" & _
"x3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" & _
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 4,"c:\exontrol\images\border.ebn"
		.Add 5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1"
	End With
	.GetOcx().BackColorPanels = &H5000000
	.GetOcx().BackColor = &H8000000f
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	With .get_Panel(1)
		.ControlID = "MSCAL.Calendar"
		With .Object
			.MonthLength = 0
			.BackColor = 16777215
		End With
	End With
	With .get_Panel(5)
		.Text = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><img>1</img>75%</fgcolor>"
		.Alignment = EXSTATUSBARLib.TextAlignEnum.exAlignMiddleLeft
		.Percent = 75
		.Transparency = 35
		.Offset = "4 2 -4 -2"
	End With
End With
The following C++ sample shows "How do I access the properties and the methods of an inner ActiveX control to a panel":
	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXSTATUSBARLib' for the library: 'ExStatusBar 1.0 Control Library'

	#import "D:\\Exontrol\\ExStatusBar\\project\\Demo\\ExStatusBar.dll"
	using namespace EXSTATUSBARLib;
EXSTATUSBARLib::IStatusBarPtr spStatusBar1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUSBAR1)->GetControlUnknown();
spStatusBar1->Images(_bstr_t("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0") +
"/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1" +
"/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qO" +
"x3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" +
EXSTATUSBARLib::IAppearancePtr var_Appearance = spStatusBar1->GetVisualAppearance();
	var_Appearance->Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1");
EXSTATUSBARLib::IPanelPtr var_Panel = spStatusBar1->GetPanel(long(1));
	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'MSACAL' for the library: 'Microsoft Calendar Control 9.0'

	#import "C:\\PROGRA~1\\MICROS~2\\Office\\MSCAL.OCX"
	MSACAL::ICalendarPtr var_Calendar = ((MSACAL::ICalendarPtr)(var_Panel->GetObject()));
EXSTATUSBARLib::IPanelPtr var_Panel1 = spStatusBar1->GetPanel(long(5));
	var_Panel1->PutOffset(L"4 2 -4 -2");
The following C# sample shows "How do I access the properties and the methods of an inner ActiveX control to a panel":
axStatusBar1.Images("gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0" +
"/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1" +
"/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qO" +
"x3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/y" +
EXSTATUSBARLib.Appearance var_Appearance = axStatusBar1.VisualAppearance;
	var_Appearance.Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1");
(axStatusBar1.GetOcx() as EXSTATUSBARLib.StatusBar).BackColorPanels = 0x5000000;
(axStatusBar1.GetOcx() as EXSTATUSBARLib.StatusBar).BackColor = 0x8000000f;
axStatusBar1.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)";
EXSTATUSBARLib.Panel var_Panel = axStatusBar1.get_Panel(1);
	var_Panel.ControlID = "MSCAL.Calendar";
	// Add 'Microsoft Calendar Control 9.0' reference to your project.
	MSACAL.Calendar var_Calendar = (var_Panel.Object as MSACAL.Calendar);
		var_Calendar.MonthLength = 0;
		var_Calendar.BackColor = 16777215;
EXSTATUSBARLib.Panel var_Panel1 = axStatusBar1.get_Panel(5);
	var_Panel1.Text = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><img>1</img>75%</fgcolor>";
	var_Panel1.Alignment = EXSTATUSBARLib.TextAlignEnum.exAlignMiddleLeft;
	var_Panel1.Percent = 75;
	var_Panel1.Transparency = 35;
	var_Panel1.Offset = "4 2 -4 -2";
The following VFP sample shows "How do I access the properties and the methods of an inner ActiveX control to a panel":
with thisform.StatusBar1
	var_s = "gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/"
	var_s = var_s + "oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTqlVq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/"
	var_s = var_s + "wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx"
	var_s = var_s + "3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN"
	var_s = var_s + "AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA="
	with .VisualAppearance
		.Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1")
	.BackColorPanels = 83886080
	.BackColor = -2147483633
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	with .Panel(1)
		.ControlID = "MSCAL.Calendar"
		with .Object
			.MonthLength = 0
			.BackColor = 16777215
	with .Panel(5)
		.Text = "<fgcolor=FFFFFF><img>1</img>75%</fgcolor>"
		.Alignment = 16
		.Percent = 75
		.Transparency = 35
		.Offset = "4 2 -4 -2"