property StatusBar.Debug as Boolean
Specifies whether the control displays debug information such of indentifiers of the panels.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the control displays the identifier of the panels in the status bar. 
By default, the Debug property is True. Use the Debug property to display the identifiers of the panels in your status bar control. Use the Format property to add and arrange the panels in the status bar control. Use the Panel property to access a panel in the status bar control. The Index property of the panel indicates the index of the panel. 

The following screen show shows the identifiers of the panels:

The following screen shot shows the status bar without displaying its identifiers:

So, the status bar has the following panels: 3, 11,  21, 33 and 44, and the Format property is "<a1>link</a>"[a=17]:64,11:64,((24;21/"Arrange the panels as you want using CRD strings"[a=17][ww])/24;3),(33/44):48. The numbers that appear in bold, are the identifiers being displayed in the status bar.