property Element.LaneID(Horizontal as Boolean) as Variant
Returns or sets the identifier of the lane from the element.

Horizontal as Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the element queries the horizontal (True) or vertical (False) lanes.
Variant A String expression that indicates the ID of the element's lane. If empty, no lane is assigned to the element. 
The LaneID property indicates the identifier of the lane from the element. The intersection of the lane with the element determines the lane of the element. Use the LaneByID property to access the lane object giving its identifier. The CenterOnLane property aligns the element relative to its lane. The LaneID(Horizonal) property can move the element to a specified lane, by setting the Element.LaneID(True/False) property. For instance, the Element.LaneID(True) on "0:V.1" moves the element to the first pool ( 0: ), on the second phase ( V.1, vertical lane ). Also, Element.LaneID(True) = "0:H.2,0:V.1" moves the element on the first pool ( 0: ) at the intersection of the third lane ( H.2, horizontal lane ) with the second phase ( V.1, vertical lane ), of the same pool. The Horizontal parameter of the LaneID property has no effect if using the write-only property ( put_LaneID property ).

The following screen shot shows three horizontal lanes ( Lane 1, Lane 2 and Lane 3 ) and three elements assigned to each lane.