property Lane.Border as LinesStyleEnum
Specifies the style to display the lane's border.

LinesStyleEnum A LinesStyleEnum expression that specifies the style of the border to show on the lane.
By default, the Border property is exLinesInvalid. The BorderColor property defines the color to show the lane's border. The Border property of the Header object defines the border to shown on the header of the lane. The HeaderLaneInheritLane property specifies the visual properties that the header inherits from its lane. The Background( exPoolHorizontalLaneBorder) property specifies the type of the border for horizontal lanes for all pool on the surface, while the Border property is exLinesInvalid. The Background(exPoolVerticalLaneBorder) property specifies the type of the border for vertical lanes for all pool on the surface, while the Border property is exLinesInvalid. The Pattern property specifies the pattern/frame to be shown on the lane's background.