constants LayoutChangingEnum
The LayoutChangingEnum type specifies the operations that the user performs on the surface. The LayoutStartChanging event occurs when a specified operation begins. The LayoutEndChanging event notifies that the specified operation ends. The LayoutChangingEnum type supports the following values.

exSurfaceMove0 The user moves/scrolls the surface to a new position. The AllowMoveSurface property specifies the keys combination to allow user to move / scroll the surface.
exSurfaceZoom1 The user magnifies or shrinks the surface (zooming). The AllowZoomSurface property specifies the keys combination to allow user to zoom the surface.
exSurfaceHome2 The user restores the surface to its original view. The Home method restores the view to its original state ( position and zoom ).
exResizeElement3 The user resizes an element on the surface. The AllowResizeElement property specifies the keys combination to allow user to resize the element.
exMoveElement4 The user moves an element on the surface. The AllowMoveElement property specifies the keys combination to allow user to move the element.
exSelectElement5 The user selects elements on the surface. The AllowSelectObject property specifies the keys combination to allow user to select the element.
exSelectNothing6 The user selects nothing on the surface. The AllowSelectNothing property specifies the keys combination to allow user to select nothing on the surface. 
exCreateElement7 The user creates elements on the surface. The AllowCreateElement property specifies the keys combination to allow user to create elements on the surface.
exEditElement8 The user edits the element's caption. The Edit method edits the element.
exLinkObjects9 The user links elements. The AllowLinkObjects property specifies the keys combination to allow user to link elements on the surface.
exDesignMode10 The user changes the surface's design mode. The user changes the surface's design mode. The exDesignMode operation occurs, when the user selects a new design-mode, from the control's toolbar. The DesignModes property specifies the modes to be displayed on the Design toolbar. The DesignMode property specifies the control's design mode. Depending on the design-mode, the user can select elements, pools or none.
exCreatePool11 The user creates pools on the surface. The AllowCreatePool property specifies the keys combination to allow user to create pools on the surface.
exResizePool12 The user resizes the pool from the surface. The AllowResizePool property specifies the keys combination to allow user to resize the pool.
exMovePool13 The user moves the pool from the surface. The AllowMovePool property specifies the keys combination to allow user to move the pool.
exResizePoolHeader14 The user resizes the header's pool from the surface.
exResizeLane15 The user resizes the lane of the pool. The AllowResizePoolHeader property specifies the keys combination to allow user to resize the header of the pool.
exMoveLane16 The user moves/changes the position of the lane of the pool. The AllowMoveLane property specifies the keys combination to allow user to moves/changes the position the lane.
exContextMenuObject17 The object's context menu is running. The user right-clicks an object on the surface, and it's context menu is shown. Use the AllowContextMenu property to specify the combination of keys that allows the user to open the object's context menu. Use the ContextMenu property to provide a custom context menu for the objects on the surface.
exActionContextMenuObject18 An item from object's context menu is executing. Use the AllowContextMenu property to specify the combination of keys that allows the user to open the object's context menu.  Use the ContextMenu property to provide a custom context menu for the objects on the surface. The ActionContextMenu event notifies your application once an action occurs within the object's context menu.

The user changes the link's control points. The AllowLinkControlPoint property indicates the control points of the link, the user can use to customize the link's path. The property is applied to all links (unless the AllowControlPoint property indicates a different value)

exUndo33 An Undo operation is performed (CTR + Z). Occurs only if the control's AllowUndoRedo property is True.
exRedo34 A Redo operation is performed  (CTR + Y). Occurs only if the control's AllowUndoRedo property is True.
exUndoRedoUpdate32 The Undo/Redo queue is updated.