property SwimLane.AllowMoveSelectionPool as Boolean
Indicates that the pool of the selected element, is moved together with the element

Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates that the pool of the selected element, is moved together with the element
By default, the AllowMoveSelectionPool property is False. The AllowMoveSelectionPool property Indicates that the pool of the selected element, is moved together with the element. The AllowMovePoolElement property indicates that the visible elements of the moving pool are moved together with the pool. The AllowMovePool property specifies the keys combination so the user can move the pool from the cursor. Use the AllowResizePool property to specify whether the pool can be resized at runtime. The AllowMoveSurface property specifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the surface. The control fires the LayoutStartChanging(exMovePool) / LayoutEndChanging(exMovePool) event when the user moves the object to a new position.