property Tab.FixedPageWidth as Long
Specifies the fixed width of the page (the control displays the pages with same size)

Long A Long expression that defines the width to show all the pages within the control
By default, the FixedPageWidth property is 0. The FixedPageWidth property has no effect if 0 or TabAutoResize property is true. If the FixedPageWidth property is 0, the width of each page is automatically computed so it fits its caption (Caption property). The FixedPageWidth property specifies the width to display all pages, when the TabAutoResize property is false.

The following screen shot shows the control while FixedPageWidth property is 0 (TabAutoResize property is false):

The following screen shot shows the control while FixedPageWidth property is 96 (TabAutoResize property is false):

The following screen shot shows the control while TabAutoResize property is true (the FixedPageWidth property is ignored):