property Thumbnail.SingleCaption as String
Indicates the expression to generate the HTML caption to be displayed on the thumbnail, when the control shows a single thumbnail.

String A String value that defines the expression to generate the HTML caption to be displayed on the thumbnail, when the control shows a single thumbnail.
By default, the SingleCaption property is "ffolder ? ( `Name: <b>` + fname + `</b>` + `<br>` + ( len( 0:= ftype ) ? `Type: <b>` + =:0 + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + ( ffolder = 1 ? `Size: <b>` + fsizeF + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + `Created: <b>` + date(fcreated - bias/24/60) + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modified: <b>` + date(fmodified - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ `<br>` + `Last Opened: <b>` + date(fopened - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ (fpicture ? (`<br>Dimensions: <b>` + fwidth + ` x ` + fheight + `</b>` ) : ``) ) : ffile" which makes the control to display full information about the file like seen in the following screen shot. The SingleCaption property indicates the expression to generate the HTML caption to be displayed on the thumbnail, when the control shows a single thumbnail ( for instance you filter and you got a single result ). Use the Caption property to specify a caption to be displayed on the thumbnail. 

Use the Alignment property to specify the caption's alignment. The CaptionRotate property rotates the HTML caption. Use the Transparency property to specify the transparency to display the caption on the thumbnail control. Use the Font property to specify the font to display the caption on the thumbnail. Use the ForeColor property to specify the control's foreground color. Use the WordWrap property to wrap the caption on the control. The StatusCaption property indicates the expression to generate the HTML caption to be displayed on the thumbnail's status bar.

For instance:

The SingleCaption property supports the following keywords: 

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

The SingleCaption property supports the following HTML tags: