property Thumbnail.ThumbnailMaxHeight as Long
Specifies the maximum height to display the thumbnails.

Long A long expression that specifies the maximum height to display the thumbnails.
At runtime, the user can resize the thumbnail, by click and drag the middle mouse button or by double-clicking the thumbnail. Excludes the exThumbnailAllowResize flag from the Mode property to disable resizing the thumbnails when the user click and drag the middle mouse button. Excludes the exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk flag from the Mode property to prevent enlarging the thumbnail when user double-clicks it. The exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio flag of the Mode property specifies whether the thumbnail is keeping its aspect ratio when it is displayed in the control. The exThumbnailStretch flag of the Mode property stretches the thumbnail on the frame's client area. 

You can use the following properties to define the distance and padding of the thumbnails

The following properties specifies the size of each thumbnail:

The following properties specifies the limit / range of the size for of each thumbnail: