Explorer control (browse for the folder being double-clicked)

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.Mode = exThumbnailBrowseOnDblClk
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Can I display the size of the files, using 1 decimal, such as 10.2 KB instead of 10 KB

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "ffolder ? ( fname + ( len( 22:=(int(0:=(1:=fsize)/1024/1024/1024) ? round(=:0*10)/10 + ` GB` : (int(0:==:1/1024/1024) ? round(=" & _
":0*10)/10 + ` MB` : (int(0:==:1/1024) ? round(=:0*10)/10 + ` KB` : =:1 + ` B`))) ) ? `, ` + =:22 : `` ) ) : ffile"
	.ToolTipText = "ffolder ? ( `Name: <b>` + fname + `</b>` + `<br>` + ( len( 0:= ftype ) ? `Type: <b>` + =:0 + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + ( ffolder" & _
" = 1 ? `Size: <b>` + (int(0:=(1:=fsize)/1024/1024/1024) ? round(=:0*10)/10 + ` GB` : (int(0:==:1/1024/1024) ? round(=:0*10)/10 +" & _
" ` MB` : (int(0:==:1/1024) ? round(=:0*10)/10 + ` KB` : =:1 + ` B`))) + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + `Created: <b>` + fcreated_local" & _
" + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modified: <b>` + fmodified_local + `</b>`+ `<br>` + `Last Opened: <b>` + fopened_local + `</b>`+ (fpicture" & _
" ? (`<br>Dimensions: <b>` + fwidth + ` x ` + fheight + `</b>` ) : ``) ) : ffile"
End With
It appears that Created, Modified and Last Opened values are not correct (local)
With Thumbnail1
	.Padding = ""
	.Alignment = exAlignBottomCenter
	.InputFiles = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "`Created: <b><r>` + fcreated_local + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modified: <b><r>` + fmodified_local + `</b>`+ `<br>` + `Last Opened: <r" & _
"><b>` + fopened_local + `</b>`"
	.SingleCaption = .Caption
End With
It appears that Created, Modified and Last Opened values are not correct (bias)
With Thumbnail1
	.Padding = ""
	.Alignment = exAlignBottomCenter
	.InputFiles = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "`Created: <b><r>` + date(fcreated - bias/24/60) + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modified: <b><r>` + date(fmodified - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+" & _
" `<br>` + `Last Opened: <r><b>` + date(fopened - bias/24/60) + `</b>`"
	.SingleCaption = .Caption
End With
How can I sort the thumbnails, case insensitive

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Sort = ThumbnailSortEnum.exThumbailSortInsensitive Or ThumbnailSortEnum.exThumbailSortByName
End With
How can I select programatically multiple files
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( .Select )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.SingleSel = False
	.Select = "Brazil.png\r\ncordova.png"
End With
Does your control support multiple-selection

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( .Select )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.SingleSel = False
	.Select = "Brazil.png\r\ncordova.png"
End With
Is it possible to show the selection with a different color, when the control loses the focus

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColorHide) = RGB(0,0,1)
	.Select = "Access2007"
End With
Predefined Keywords of ShowContextMenu property

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		.ExecuteContextMenu = 0
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "`menu(` + menu + `)` + `,filecount=` + filecount + `,fileattr=` + hex(fileattr) + `,filename=` + filename + `,fileparsename=` +" & _
" fileparsename + `,filefullname=` + filefullname"
End With
How can I display the identifiers of the control's context menu (debug)

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "`[debug]` + menu"
End With
How can I copy/execute command a file/folder as path (selection)

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Select = "Brazil.png"
	.ExecuteContextCommand "<selection>",True,"Copy As Path"
End With
Is it possible to display the item's identifiers in the file's context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
		.ShowContextMenu = .FormatABC("B = 20 ? (`[debug]`+ value) : value ",.ShowContextMenu,State)
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I copy/execute command a file/folder (selection)
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Select = "Brazil.png"
	.ExecuteContextCommand "<selection>",True,"Copy"
End With
How can I copy a file/folder (absolute name)
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ExecuteContextCommand "c:\Temp",True,"Copy"
End With
How can I copy a file/folder (relative name)
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ExecuteContextCommand "Belgium.png",True,"Copy"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "filecount = 0 ? `Exit[id=1000]` : ( ( ( filecount = 1 ) ? filename : `multiple selection` ) + `[dis],[sep],` + menu)"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "filecount > 1 ? `multiple selection[dis]` : menu"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "filecount > 1 ? `multiple selection[dis]` : menu"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "menu replace `&Delete` with ``"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "`Popup(Item 1[id=1001],Item 2[id=1002],Item 3[id=1003]),` + menu + `,Exit[id=1000]`"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "filecount = 0 ? `Popup(Item 1[id=1001],Item 2[id=1002],Item 3[id=1003]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]` : menu"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "Popup(Item 1[id=1001],Item 2[id=1002],Item 3[id=1003]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]"
End With
ShowContextMenu usage
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State" )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
		Debug.Print( "no context menu is generated, so nothing is displayed" )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "``"
End With
How can I add new items to the default file's context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
		.ShowContextMenu = .FormatABC("B = 20 ? ( `My First Popup[def](A,B,C),[sep],`+ value + `,[sep],My Last Popup[def](A,B,C)` ) : value",.ShowContextMenu,State)
		Debug.Print( "Execute" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I disable the Delete command from the file's context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "menu replace `Delete` with `Delete[dis]`"
End With
How can I remove the Delete command from the file's context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ShowContextMenu = "menu replace `&Delete` with ``"
End With
How can I provide my own context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
		.ShowContextMenu = "Item 1[id=1][def],Item 2[id=2],[sep][id=3],Popup[id=4](Item 3[id=5],Item 4[id=6])"
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Is it possible to prevent executing a specific command from the object's context menu
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
		Debug.Print( "ExecuteContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ExecuteContextMenu )
		.ExecuteContextMenu = 0
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I disable the Delete command from the object's context menu

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "State " )
		Debug.Print( State )
		Debug.Print( "ContextMenu" )
		Debug.Print( .ShowContextMenu )
		.ShowContextMenu = .FormatABC("value replace `&Delete` with `&Delete[dis]`",.ShowContextMenu)
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I programmatically selects a file

' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( State )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColor) = RGB(255,0,0)
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColorHide) = .Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColor)
	.Select = "Access2007"
End With
How can I programmatically unselect the file
' StateChange event - Fired while the control's state has been changed.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_StateChange(ByVal State As EXTHUMBNAILLibCtl.StateChangeEnum)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( State )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColor) = RGB(255,0,0)
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColorHide) = .Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColor)
	.Select = ""
End With
How can I change the color to show the selected frame

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColor) = RGB(255,0,0)
End With
How can I remove the frame being selected when the control loses the focus (hidesel)
With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Background(exThumbnailSelBorderColorHide) = -1
End With
When I drop a folder, can I include all its content, files and sub-folders

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeAny
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
When I drop a folder, can I include sub-folders only

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFoldersOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
I've noticed that if I drop a single file I get a different caption. How can I change that (sample 2)

With Thumbnail1
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\Brazil.png"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\Romania.png"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\USA.png"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\Venezuela.png"
	.Caption = "`<sha ;;0><fgcolor=808080>` + upper(fname replace `.` + fext with ``)"
	.SingleCaption = ""
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "USA"
End With
I've noticed that if I drop a single file I get a different caption. How can I change that (sample 1)

With Thumbnail1
	.InputFile = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.SingleCaption = .Caption
End With
Can I somehow show the close button of the control's filter bar to the right, only if required

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarBackColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.FilterBarForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "elogo"
End With
I have a filter being applied, the question is how can I display the number/count of results (sample 3)

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "el"
	.StatusCaption = "(len(ffilter) = 0) ? `` : ( `<fgcolor=808080>` + ( fvcount ? ( fvcount format `0` ) + ` result(s).` : `No results.` ) )"
End With
Just icons are shown when droping the file into the control. What can I check

With Thumbnail1
	.ThumbnailType = exThumbnailAvail
	.ExtractMethod = "ThumbnailCache,ThumbnailProvider,ExtractImage"
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I turn on the auto-update, so the thumbnails updates automatically once the user changes the files
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AllowContextMenu = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.StatusCaption = "<c><font ;10><sha ;;0>Open the Windows Explorer, and delete or edit any of these files."
End With
I am using the control's default context menu to delete the file, and the file still shows in the control with no thumbnail. What can I do so it won't be shown
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoUpdate = True
	.AllowContextMenu = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.StatusCaption = "<c><font ;10><sha ;;0>Open the Windows Explorer, and delete or edit any of these files."
End With
Is it possible to displays the file's context menu

With Thumbnail1
	.AllowContextMenu = True
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I programmatically get the number of results

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_Click()
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( "Results:" )
		Debug.Print( .FormatABC("fvcount") )
		Debug.Print( "Total:" )
		Debug.Print( .FormatABC("fcount") )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "el"
	.StatusCaption = "(fvcount = fcount) ? `` : ( `<fgcolor=808080>` + ( fvcount ? ( fvcount format `0` ) + ` result(s).` : `No results.` ) )"
End With
I have a filter being applied, the question is how can I display the number/count of results (sample 2)

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "el"
	.StatusCaption = "(fvcount = fcount) ? `` : ( `<fgcolor=808080>` + ( fvcount ? ( fvcount format `0` ) + ` result(s).` : `No results.` ) )"
End With
I have a filter being applied, the question is how can I display the number of results (sample 1)

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "e"
	.StatusCaption = "not (fcount = fvcount ) ? (`<r><font ;6><fgcolor=808080><sha ;;0>Found: <b>` + (len(fvcount) ? fvcount format `0` : 0)) : ``"
End With
Is it possible to display the number of files that are currently in the list

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.StatusCaption = "`<r><font ;6><fgcolor=808080><sha ;;0>Count: <b>` + (len(fvcount) ? fvcount : 0)"
End With
How can I specify the number of files to be displayed

With Thumbnail1
	.LimitInputFiles = 4
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Is it possible to limit the number of files to be shown to one

With Thumbnail1
	.LimitInputFiles = 1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
I've seen that you can magnify the view once the user draggs the control while middle-mouse button is pressed. How can I disable that
With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFit
End With
How can I display the name on a line, and the size on the other line

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.Padding = "0 0 0 36"
	.Margins = "4 0"
	.Sort = exThumbailSortBySize
	.WordWrap = True
	.Caption = "ffolder ? ( lower(fname) + ( len( 0:=fsizeF ) ? `<br><c>` + =:0 : `` ) ) : ffile"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Can I display the name of the thumbnails without the extension

With Thumbnail1
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.Caption = "ffolder ? ( lower(fname replace `.` + fext with ``) + ( len( 0:=fsizeF ) ? `, ` + =:0 : `` ) ) : ffile"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
I am trying to use the DblClick event, but the control switch the view to a different mode. Can I open the file, when user double clicks the control
' DblClick event - Occurs when the user dblclk the left mouse button over an object.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_DblClick(Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( .ThumbnailFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFit
End With
How can I hide/prevent showing the control's filter

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = exFilterBarHidden
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
The thumbnails get resized as soon as I change the filter. Can I make it fixed

With Thumbnail1
	.ScrollPartVisible(exVScroll,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(exHScroll,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(&H2,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(exVSBack) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(exVSThumb) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(exHSBack) = .Background(exVSBack)
	.Background(exHSThumb) = .Background(exVSThumb)
	.Background(exScrollSizeGrip) = .Background(exVSBack)
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Is it possible to display the names in lower-case, and with a different color the size

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "lower(ffolder ? ( fname : ffile)) + ( len( 0:=fsizeF ) ? `, <fgcolor=A0A0A0>` + =:0 + `</fgcolor>` : `` )"
End With
Is it possible to display the names in upper-case

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "upper(ffolder ? ( fname + ( len( 0:=fsizeF ) ? `, ` + =:0 : `` ) ) : ffile)"
End With
How can I programmatically apply a filter to the control

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_Click()
	With Thumbnail1
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = "jpg"
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I clear programmatically the control's filter

' Click event - Occurs when the user presses and then releases the left mouse button over the control.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_Click()
	With Thumbnail1
		.FilterBarPromptPattern = ""
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "jpg"
End With
Is the "Start Filter ..." customizable, so I can change to my language

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarBackColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.FilterBarForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	.FilterBarPrompt = "<i><b>Click here to start filter for...</b></i>"
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I define what to filter for. For instance, just the name, extension. Is it possible

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarFor = "fname"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "jpg"
End With
It is possible to turn-on case-sensitive for the control's filter

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptType = FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptCaseSensitive Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptContainsAll
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "el"
End With
Can I filter the thumbnails that starts with instead contains typed characters

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptType = exFilterPromptStartWith
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "el"
End With
Can I use wild characters in the filter

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptType = exFilterPromptPattern
	.FilterBarFor = "fname"
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "*.jpg"
End With
I've noticed that If I type more words on filter bar all should be included, the question is can I display thumbnails that contains any of these words

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.FilterBarPromptType = exFilterPromptContainsAny
	.FilterBarPromptPattern = "elogo or something that you won't find"
End With
How can I change the filter's bar foreground/background color

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarBackColor = RGB(0,0,0)
	.FilterBarForeColor = RGB(255,255,255)
	.FilterBarPrompt = "<i>Start Filter...</i>"
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
The question is can I somehow show the close button of the control's filter bar to the right

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Is it possible to change the color to show the close button of the control's filter bar

With Thumbnail1
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = RGB(0,255,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I prevent showing the close button, in the control's filter bar

With Thumbnail1
	.Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) = -1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Is it possible to show the close button, only if there is a filter applied

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I close/hide the filter once the user clicks the close button
With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarToggle Or FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarVisible
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I disable the control's filter bar

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = exFilterBarHidden
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I enable the control's filter bar

With Thumbnail1
	.FilterBarVisible = exFilterBarVisible
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I enable alternate background/foreground colors

With Thumbnail1
	.Background(exThumbnailBackColorAlt) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(exThumbnailForeColorAlt) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I remove all margins, so I have a compact view

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "0 0"
	.Padding = "0 0 0 0"
	.Borders = "0 0 0 0"
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.Alignment = exAlignBottomCenter
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
The thumbnail's caption gets wrapped, the question is can I disable that

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "16 16"
	.ThumbnailMinWidth = 32
	.ThumbnailMinHeight = 32
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I display the thumbnail's caption on the right rather than bottom

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "0 16"
	.Padding = "0 0 16 0"
	.Borders = "16 16 16 16"
	.CaptionRotate = HTMLRotateEnum.exHTMLMirror Or HTMLRotateEnum.exHTMLVertical
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I display the thumbnail's caption on the left rather than bottom

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "0 16"
	.Padding = "16 0 0 0"
	.Borders = "16 16 16 16"
	.CaptionRotate = exHTMLVertical
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I display the thumbnail's caption on the top rather than bottom

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "16 0"
	.Padding = "0 16 0 0"
	.Borders = "16 16 16 16"
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How do I enable the scrollbar-extension, as thumb to be shown outside of the control's client area

With Thumbnail1
	.ScrollPartVisible(exVScroll,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(exHScroll,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollPartVisible(&H2,exExtentThumbPart) = True
	.ScrollWidth = 4
	.Background(exVSBack) = RGB(240,240,240)
	.Background(exVSThumb) = RGB(128,128,128)
	.ScrollHeight = 4
	.Background(exHSBack) = .Background(exVSBack)
	.Background(exHSThumb) = .Background(exVSThumb)
	.Background(exScrollSizeGrip) = .Background(exVSBack)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I prevent showing the control's scroll bars
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoDrag = exAutoDragNone
	.ScrollWidth = 0
	.ScrollHeight = 0
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I modify the margins of the thumbnail

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "16 0"
	.Padding = "0 16 0 0"
	.Borders = "16 16 16 16"
	.WordWrap = False
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(1,0,0)
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
The thumbnail view gets scrolled when user clicks it. Can I disable that
With Thumbnail1
	.AutoDrag = exAutoDragNone
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
The thumbnail get maximized as soon as the user double clicks it. May I prevent that
With Thumbnail1
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFit
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
Can I limit the thumbnail size when the user resizes it

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "16 16"
	.ThumbnailMinWidth = 64
	.ThumbnailMinHeight = 64
	.ThumbnailMaxWidth = 64
	.ThumbnailMaxHeight = 64
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "fname"
End With
I've seen that that the thumbnail can be resized up to 120 points, can I change that

With Thumbnail1
	.Margins = "8 8"
	.Padding = "0 0 0 8"
	.ThumbnailMinWidth = 32
	.ThumbnailMinHeight = 32
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.WordWrap = False
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "`<font ;4>` + fname replace `.` + fext with ``"
End With
How can I change the thumbnail's mode to stack

With Thumbnail1
	.VirtualMode = False
	.Margins = "16 16"
	.Mode = ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAllowResize Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailCenter Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStretch Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailAutoFit Or ThumbnailModeEnum.exThumbnailStack
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How do I sort the thumbnails

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Sort = ThumbnailSortEnum.exThumbailSortReverse Or ThumbnailSortEnum.exThumbailSortBySize
End With
How can I get thumbnailed all sub-files within the folder

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
How can I hide the thumbnail's frame
With Thumbnail1
	.Padding = ""
	.Alignment = exAlignBottomCenter
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "ffolder ? ( `Name: <b>` + fname + `</b>` + `<br>` + ( len( 0:= ftype ) ? `Type: <b>` + =:0 + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + ( ffolder" & _
" = 1 ? `Size: <b>` + fsizeF + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + `Created: <b>` + date(fcreated - bias/24/60) + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modifie" & _
"d: <b>` + date(fmodified - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ `<br>` + `Last Opened: <b>` + date(fopened - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ (fpicture ? " & _
"(`<br>Dimensions: <b>` + fwidth + ` x ` + fheight + `</b>` ) : ``) ) : ffile"
	.Background(exThumbnailBorderColor) = RGB(0,0,0)
End With
How do I get the thumbnail from the cursor
' MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse.
Private Sub Thumbnail1_MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
	With Thumbnail1
		Debug.Print( .ThumbnailFromPoint(-1,-1) )
	End With
End Sub

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
End With
I've noticed that the thumbnail's tooltip is displaying more information. How can I change that

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.ToolTipTitle = "File"
	.ToolTipText = "ffile replace fname with (`<b>` + fname + `</b>`)"
End With
How can I display more information about the thumbnail

With Thumbnail1
	.Padding = ""
	.Alignment = exAlignBottomCenter
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\EndangeredAnimals.png"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\logocanary.png"
	.Caption = "ffolder ? ( `Name: <b>` + fname + `</b>` + `<br>` + ( len( 0:= ftype ) ? `Type: <b>` + =:0 + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + ( ffolder" & _
" = 1 ? `Size: <b>` + fsizeF + `</b>` + `<br>` : `` ) + `Created: <b>` + date(fcreated - bias/24/60) + `</b>` + `<br>` + `Modifie" & _
"d: <b>` + date(fmodified - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ `<br>` + `Last Opened: <b>` + date(fopened - bias/24/60) + `</b>`+ (fpicture ? " & _
"(`<br>Dimensions: <b>` + fwidth + ` x ` + fheight + `</b>` ) : ``) ) : ffile"
	.SingleCaption = .Caption
End With
Can I display the thumbnail's caption based on the size of the view
With Thumbnail1
	.InputFile = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "width < 256 ? fname : ffile"
End With
How do I know the thumbnail's size (sample 2)

With Thumbnail1
	.AcceptFolders = exIncludeSubFilesOnly
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample"
	.Caption = "`View: ` + width + ` x ` + height"
End With
How do I know the thumbnail's size (sample 1)

With Thumbnail1
	.InputFile = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	Debug.Print( "Width: " )
	Debug.Print( .ThumbnailWidth )
	Debug.Print( "Height: " )
	Debug.Print( .ThumbnailHeight )
End With
Is it possible to get the dimensions of the picture file

With Thumbnail1
	.InputFiles = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "`Dimensions: <b>` + fwidth + ` x ` + fheight"
End With
Is there any function to determine whether the file is a picture

With Thumbnail1
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.AddInputFiles "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg.2"
	.Caption = "`IsPicture: <b>` + (fpicture ? `Yes` : `No`)"
End With
How can I get the type of the file, like JPG File, and so on...

With Thumbnail1
	.InputFiles = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "`Type: <b>` + ftype"
End With
How do I get the file/folder's attributes

With Thumbnail1
	.InputFiles = "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExThumbnail\Sample\elogo.jpg"
	.Caption = "`Attributes: <b>0x` + hex(fattr)"
End With