constants CloseOnClickEnum
The CloseOnClickEnum type specifies when the user can close the popup menu. The CloseOnClick property specifies how the popup menu is closed when user clicks an item. The CloseOnClickEnum type supports the following values:

exCloseOnClick0 The popup menu is closing when the user clicks an item.
exCloseOnDblClick1 The popup menu is closing when the user double clicks an item.
exCloseOnClickOutside2 The popup menu is closing when the user clicks outside of the menu.
exCloseOnNonClickable3 The popup menu is closing when the user clicks a non-clickable item ( regular items ). 

Here's the list of clickable items:

  • separator items
  • item that hosts a sub-menu ( popup item )
  • disabled item
  • check or radio items

For instance, clicking a check-box item will makes the check box to change its state instead closing the popup menu.