Column object
The Column object holds properties that a column can display in a face of exFaceTree type. The Type property specifies the type of the face. The exFaceTree type can display one or multiple columns. 

The following screen shot shows a FaceTree with one column:

The following table shows how you can get a Column object ( the red items indicates properties )

	"Add(String)" -> EXTREECUBELib.Column
	"Item(Variant)" -> EXTREECUBELib.Column

The following table shows how you can get a Column object ( the red items indicates properties )

EXTREECUBELib.Column <- "Add(String)" of EXTREECUBELib.Columns
EXTREECUBELib.Column <- "Item(Variant)" of EXTREECUBELib.Columns

The Column object supports the following properties and methods:

AlignmentRetrieves or sets the column's alignment.
CaptionRetrieves or sets the text displayed to the column's header.
DefRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
DisplayExpandButtonShows or hides the expanding/collapsing button in the column's header.
EnabledEnables or disables the column.
ExpandColumnsSpecifies the list of columns to be shown when the current column is expanded.
ExpandedExpands or collapses the column.
FormatColumnSpecifies the format to display the cells in the column.
IndexIndicates the index of the column.
PartialCheckSpecifies whether the column supports partial check feature.
PositionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the header bar area.
VisibleRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the column is visible or hidden.
WidthRetrieves or sets the column's width.