property FaceCalendar.NonworkingDays as Long
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.

Long A long expression that indicates the non-working days in a week

The NonworkingDays property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit. The NonworkingDaysForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the foreground color for non-working days. By default, the NonworkingDays property is 65. The last significant byte in the NonworkingDays expression has the following meaning:

where X could be 1 ( nonworking day ) or 0 ( working day ), Sa means Saturday, Fr means Friday, and so on. For instance, the 65 value means Saturday and Sunday are non-working days. The ForeColor property specifies the calendar's foreground color. In case you need to specify a different background color for the calendar control you can use the Title( exTitleFaceBackColor) / ExtraTile( exTitleFaceBackColor) property. The SelBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection background color. The SelForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection foreground color.