Item object
The Item object holds information about an item to be displayed on a exFaceTree type. The Type property specifies the type of the face. The exFaceTree type can display one or multiple columns. 

The following screen shot shows a FaceTree with multiple items:

The following table shows how you can get a Item object ( the red items indicates properties )

	"ItemByIndex(Long)" -> EXTREECUBELib.Item
	"Add(Variant)" -> EXTREECUBELib.Item
	"Item(Variant)" -> EXTREECUBELib.Item
	"Parent" -> EXTREECUBELib.Item

The following table shows how you can get a Item object ( the red items indicates properties )

EXTREECUBELib.Item <- "Add(Variant)" of EXTREECUBELib.Items
EXTREECUBELib.Item <- "Item(Variant)" of EXTREECUBELib.Items
EXTREECUBELib.Item <- "ItemByIndex(Long)" of EXTREECUBELib.FaceTree
EXTREECUBELib.Item <- "Parent" of EXTREECUBELib.Item

The Item object supports the following properties and methods:


BackColorSpecifies the item's background color.
BackgroundExtIndicates additional colors, text, images that can be displayed on the cell's background using the EBN string format.
BackgroundExtValueSpecifies at runtime, the value of the giving property for specified part of the background extension.
BoldIndicates that the item should appear as bold.
CaptionReturns the cell's caption.
CellParentRetrieves the parent of an inner cell.
CellWidthRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the inner cell.
DividerSpecifies whether the item acts like a divider item. The value indicates the index of column used to define the divider's title.
DividerLineDefines the type of line in the divider item.
DividerLineAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of the line in the divider item.
EnabledEnables or disables the item.
ExpandedExpands or collapses the item.
ForeColorSpecifies the item's foreground color.
FormatCellSpecifies the format to display the cell's content.
HasButtonRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the cell has a button associated or not.
HasCheckBoxRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the cell has a checkbox associated or not.
HasRadioButtonRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the cell has a radiobutton associated or not.
HeightSpecifies the item's height.
IndexIndicates the index of the item.
InnerCellRetrieves the inner cell.
ItalicIndicates that the item should appear in italics.
ItemsGets the item's child collection.
ParentIndicates the item's parent.
PositionSpecifies the item's position.
RadioGroupRetrieves or sets a value whether the radio button group.
RemoveRemoves the item.
SelectableSpecifies whether the item is selectable.
SingleLineIndicates whether the cell is displayed on a single or multiple lines.
SplitCellSplits a cell, and returns the inner created cell.
StateSpecifies the cell's state / checked / unchecked.
StrikeOutIndicates that the item should appear as strikeout.
ToStringLoads or saves the Item object using string representation.
UnderlineIndicates that the item should appear as underlined.
UnsplitCellUnsplits a cell.
UserDataSpecifies the cell's user data.
ValueSpecifies the cell's value.