The eXContextMenu component displays and handles a context menu (also called contextual, shortcut, and popup or pop-up menu).
A context menu is a menu in a graphical user interface (GUI) that appears upon user interaction, such as a right-click mouse operation.
The eXContextMenu component is written from scratch, and does NOT use the system's popup menu.
For instance, the /NET's System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu does not support a modal form, so you have to assign a handler for each item,
instead the eXContextMenu component waits for the user to make the selection, and returns the selected values.
Also another major difference is that the System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu is closed once any item is clicked,
while in the eXContextMenu component, this is not required, so you can check multiple check boxes, and when you click outside,
the Select method returns the selected values. If you require the system's popup menu, you can try the eXPopupMenu control.
First Look of eXContextMenu:
Features of eXContextMenu include:
- Available as /COM, /NET or /WPF
- Ability to wait for user to select one or more values, as modal
- Ability to specify when to close the context menu, not necessary a single click
- Incremental Search support
- Ability to display/filter the items that match the typing characters
- Ability to load/save the menu from strings like "Item 1[bld],Item2[chk]", without having to call the Add method
- Keyboard and Mouse Wheel support
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any item )
- Ability to define the round frame for the context menu, using the EBN objects.
- Check box / Radio button support
- Ability to assign EDIT, MASK, COLOR, FONT, SPIN, SLIDER, SCROLLBAR, PROGRESS, ... fields to any item
- Ability to use any ActiveX control inside sub menus
- Multi-lines HTML Tooltip support for any item
- Images / Icons support
Template/X-Script support
- Partially Translucent support
- Ability to scroll the menu items
- HTML support, including text decorations like shadow, outline or gradient text
- Ability to query at once the entire menu for all items being checked, or radio buttons, that contains EDIT fields, and so on
- and more...
General information about eXContextMenu product:
Exontrol.ContextMenu, exontrol.EXCONTEXTMENULib.excontextmenu
excontextmenu.dll, excontextmenu.ocx, exontrol.excontextmenu.dll,
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
VB, VB.NET, VBA, C++, X++, C#, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), Access, HTML, Delphi, Smalltalk, eDeveloper, xBasic, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Visual Objects, PowerBuilder, LabVIEW, Power++, FORTH, Progress
Lines of code:
87,983 (76,863 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 7, Functions 229, Events 6, Definitions 20
See Also:
Shortcut links: