The Exontrol's ExGantt component is our approach to create timeline charts
(also known as Gantt charts, a Gantt chart is a bar chart that illustrates a project schedule). Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display
of activity durations. Activities are listed with other tabular information
on the left side with time intervals over the bars. Activity durations are
shown in the form of horizontal bars. The exGantt component lets the user
changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an
additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
First Look of eXGantt:
Features of eXGantt include:
- Fast ( load 1,000,000 bars in less than 4 seconds )
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode, using
XP-Theme elements or
EBN objects
- Print and Print Preview support, Fit-To-Pages Wide By Tall, ...
- ADO, DAO, DataSource/DataMember/DataContext support
- MSAA, UI Automation, IAccessible support
- Ability to specify the control's
DataSource/DataMember using DataSets for /NET version.
- Ability to save/load the control's data to/from XML documents
- Customizable Drag and Drop support:
- Ability to
change the column or row position without having to manually add the OLE drag and drop events
- Ability to
drag and drop the data as text, to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation compliant
- Ability to
drag and drop the data as it looks, to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation compliant
- Ability to
smoothly scroll the control's content moving the mouse cursor up or down, and more...
Drag and Drop support
- PDF (Portable Document Format), BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF support (Ability to save/export the control's content to PDF, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats)
- EMF Format support ( Ability to save the control's content to Enhanced Metafile (EMF) file, and so to any BMP, JPG, GIF or PNG formats )
- Ability to
smooth scrolling the control's content while it displays items with different heights
- Hierarchical view
- Ability to specify multiple levels, using custom built-in HTML format for each level
- Alternative HTML labels support for best fit in the level's time unit.
- Regional and Language Options support to display dates, times.
- Ability to insert hyperlinks anywhere in the cells, bars or links
- Semi-Transparent Bars support
- Zoom and Scale support
( including at run-time too )
- Nonworking Days, Nonworking Hours support
- Ability to assign multiple bars to a single item
- Predefined bars like task, milestone and so on
- Ability to define your own type of bars using custom shapes and
- Ability to show the current date-time using EBN files.
- Ability to define the starting and ending corners from icons.
- Overview Layout/Map support.
- Conditional Format support.
- Computed Fields supports numbers, strings and dates expressions.
- Ability to format the cells based on several predefined functions and expressions such as currency, shortdate, longdate ...
- Multiple Locked/Fixed Columns support
- FilterBar,
- Locked/Fixed/Dividers
items support
- ActiveX
hosting (you can place any ActiveX component in any item of
the chart)
- Multi-lines items support
- 'starts with' and 'contains' incremental
searching support
- Merge or Split cells support
- Built-In HTML Tooltip support
- and much more
The eXG2antt is editable at run-time, the eXGantt is read-only at run-time.
General information about eXGantt product:
Exontrol.Gantt, exontrol.EXGANTTLib.exgantt, wpf.exontrol.EXGANTTLib.exgantt
exgantt.dll, exgantt.ocx, exontrol.exgantt.dll,, wpf.exontrol.exgantt.dll, exgantt.wpf
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
VB, VB.NET, VBA, C++, X++, C#, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), Access, HTML, Delphi, Smalltalk, uniPaas (eDeveloper), Clarion, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, xBasic, Visual Objects, PowerBuilder, LabVIEW, Xbase++, AutoIt, Power++, FORTH, Progress
Lines of code:
164,606 (143,564 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 15, Functions 846, Events 44, Definitions 50
See Also:
Shortcut links: