property Edit.CaretPosY as Long
Retrieves the y-coordinate of the caret, in pixels relative to the control's client area.

Long A long expression that indicates the y-coordinate of the caret, in pixels relative to the control's client area.
Use the CaretPosX and CaretPosY properties to get the pixels coordinates of the control's caret relative to the control's client area. The CaretPos property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the position of the caret in the line. The CaretLine property determines the line of the caret. Use the FocusPane property to determine the index of the pane that has the focus, when control includes splitters.

The following VB sample converts the caret client coordinates to screen coordinates:

Private Type POINTAPI
        x As Long
        y As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private Function client2screen(ByVal e As EXEDITLibCtl.Edit, ByVal xClient As Long, ByVal yClient As Long) As POINTAPI
    Dim p As POINTAPI
    With e
        p.x = xClient
        p.y = yClient
        ClientToScreen .hWndPane(.FocusPane), p
    End With
    client2screen = p
End Function

The following C++ sample converts client coordinates to screen coordinates:

POINT ptCursor = { m_edit.GetCaretPosX(), m_edit.GetCaretPosY() };
m_edit.ClientToScreen( &ptCursor );

The following VB.NET sample converts client coordinates to screen coordinates:

With AxEdit1
    Dim ptCursor As Point = New Point(.CaretPosX, .CaretPosY)
    ptCursor = .PointToScreen(ptCursor)
End With

The following C# sample converts client coordinates to screen coordinates:

Point ptCursor = new Point( axEdit1.CaretPosX, axEdit1.CaretPosY );
ptCursor = axEdit1.PointToScreen(ptCursor);

The following VFP sample converts client coordinates to screen coordinates:

DECLARE integer ClientToScreen IN WIN32API as "ClientToScreen" integer hWnd,string @lpPoint

with thisform.Edit1.Object
	local ptCursor
	ptCursor = Replicate(Chr(0),8)
	ClientToScreen( .hWnd, @ptCursor )