Specifies the color to draw the links between the bars.
A color expression that indicates the color to draw the links between bars.
Use the LinksColor property to change the color of the
links between bars. Use the AddLink method to
link two bars. Use the AddBar method to add a
new bar to an item. Use the AddItem method to
add a new item. Use the Link(exLinkColor)
property to change the color for a specific link. Use the ShowLinks
property to hide all links in the chart area. Use the LinkStyle
property to specify the style of the link between bars. Use the LinkWidth
property to specify the width in pixels, of the pen that draws the link. The
property specifies the color to display the links when link starts from
selected bar, ends on selected bar, or when it is not related to any of
selected bars. The ShowLinksWidth
property specifies the width to show the links when the link starts from
selected bar, ends on selected bar, or when it is not related to any of
selected bars. The ShowLinksStyle
property specifies the width to show the links when the link starts from
selected bar, ends on selected bar, or when it is not related to any of
selected bars.