property Graph.DataOptions as Variant
Defines the options to import data. The method has effect only next time the Data property is called.

Variant A String expression that specifies different options to be used when loading data using the Data method as explained bellow.

If the Data parameter points to a string, the DataOptions parameter indicates a list of options separated by space character ( or \r, \n or \r\n newline delimiters ) as listed option=value, where the option and the value could be:

For instance, if the Options parameter is "hdr=0 eof=';'", it indicates that the data in the Source contains no header information, and the fields inside the data are separated by a ; character. If the Options parameter is "eof=';' str=`'`" it indicates that the separator of the fields in the data is ; character while the ' character delimits the strings inside the data.

The control can load data using one of the following methods:

The DataSample property gives a sample of the data being loaded.