property Graph.ToolTipFormat as String
Specifies the expression to customize the tooltip (shown while the cursor hovers value-points of the chart)

String A string expression that specifies the expression to define the tooltip (including ex-HTML) to be displayed when the pointer hovers the value-point. The expression supports the following keywords:
  • value, {number} specifies the serie-item's value
  • name, {string} defines the name of the serie as specified by Name property 
  • category, {string} specifies the category the current value is in
  • percent, indicates the percent of the item
  • inner, indicates the inner index of the value within the point data. For example, 0 represents the 'open' or 'from' value, 1 represents the 'high' or 'to' value, 2 represents the 'low' value, and 3 represents the 'close' value. This property is defined only for charts that require multi-dimensional arrays, such as candlestick chart types.

Additionally, the expression supports:

  • %V0, %V1, %V2 or %V3, {number} retrieve the designated values by referencing %V0 for the open value (for candlestick charts or "from" in column range charts), %V1 for the high value (for candlestick charts or "to" in column range charts), %V2 for the low value (for candlestick charts), and %V3 for the close value (for candlestick charts, defaulting to "value" if unavailable).

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

By default, the ToolTipFormat property is "(len(name) ? name + ': ' : '') + value". The ToolTipFormat property customizes the tooltip (shown while the cursor hovers value-points of the chart). The CursorFormat property Specifies an expression to customize the tooltips to display, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series. 

For instance:

Currently, the Exontrol's built-in HTML format supports the following HTML tags: