event MouseMove (Button as Integer, Shift as Integer, X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS)
Occurs when the user moves the mouse.

Button as Integer An integer that corresponds to the state of the mouse buttons in which a bit is set if the button is down.
Shift as Integer An integer that corresponds to the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys.
X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current X location of the mouse pointer. The x values is always expressed in container coordinates
Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current Y location of the mouse pointer. The y values is always expressed in container coordinates

The MouseMove event is generated continually as the mouse pointer moves across objects. Unless another object has captured the mouse, an object recognizes a MouseMove event whenever the mouse position is within its borders.Use the AnchorFromPoint property to retrieve the identifier of the anchor element from the point.

Syntax for MouseMove event, /NET version, on:

private void MouseMoveEvent(object sender,short Button,short Shift,int X,int Y)

Private Sub MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Button As Short,ByVal Shift As Short,ByVal X As Integer,ByVal Y As Integer) Handles MouseMoveEvent
End Sub

Syntax for MouseMove event, /COM version, on:

private void MouseMoveEvent(object sender, AxEXGRAPHLib._IGraphEvents_MouseMoveEvent e)

void OnMouseMove(short Button,short Shift,long X,long Y)

void __fastcall MouseMove(TObject *Sender,short Button,short Shift,int X,int Y)

procedure MouseMove(ASender: TObject; Button : Smallint;Shift : Smallint;X : Integer;Y : Integer);

procedure MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGRAPHLib._IGraphEvents_MouseMoveEvent);

begin event MouseMove(integer Button,integer Shift,long X,long Y)
end event MouseMove

Private Sub MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRAPHLib._IGraphEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles MouseMoveEvent
End Sub

Private Sub MouseMove(Button As Integer,Shift As Integer,X As Single,Y As Single)
End Sub

Private Sub MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer,ByVal Shift As Integer,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnMouseMove(oGraph,Button,Shift,X,Y)

Syntax for MouseMove event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y)
End Function

Procedure OnComMouseMove Short llButton Short llShift OLE_XPOS_PIXELS llX OLE_YPOS_PIXELS llY
	Forward Send OnComMouseMove llButton llShift llX llY

METHOD OCX_MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_MouseMove(int _Button,int _Shift,int _X,int _Y)

function MouseMove as v (Button as N,Shift as N,X as OLE::Exontrol.Graph.1::OLE_XPOS_PIXELS,Y as OLE::Exontrol.Graph.1::OLE_YPOS_PIXELS)
end function

function nativeObject_MouseMove(Button,Shift,X,Y)

The following VB sample prints the cell's caption from the cursor ( if the control contains no inner cells. Use the SplitCell property to insert inner cells ) :

Private Sub Graph1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Converts the container coordinates to client coordinates
    X = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    Y = Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    Dim h As HITEM
    Dim c As Long
    Dim hit As EXGRAPHLibCtl.HitTestInfoEnum
    ' Gets the item from (X,Y)
    h = Graph1.ItemFromPoint(X, Y, c, hit)
    If Not (h = 0) Then
        Debug.Print Graph1.Items.CellValue(h, c) & " HT = " & hit
    End If
End Sub

The following VB sample displays the cell's caption from the cursor ( if the control contains inner cells ):

Private Sub Graph1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Converts the container coordinates to client coordinates
    X = X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    Y = Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    Dim h As HITEM
    Dim c As Long
    Dim hit As EXGRAPHLibCtl.HitTestInfoEnum
    ' Gets the item from (X,Y)
    h = Graph1.ItemFromPoint(X, Y, c, hit)
    If Not (h = 0) Or Not (c = 0) Then
        Debug.Print Graph1.Items.CellValue(h, c) & " HT = " & hit
    End If
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays the cell's from the point:

#include "Items.h"

static CString V2S( VARIANT* pv, LPCTSTR szDefault = _T("") )
	if ( pv )
		if ( pv->vt == VT_ERROR )
			return szDefault;

		COleVariant vt;
		vt.ChangeType( VT_BSTR, pv );
		return V_BSTR( &vt );
	return szDefault;

void OnMouseMoveGraph1(short Button, short Shift, long X, long Y) 
	long c = 0, hit = 0, hItem = m_graph.GetItemFromPoint( X, Y, &c, &hit );
	if ( ( hItem != 0 ) || ( c != 0 ) )
		CItems items = m_graph.GetItems();
		COleVariant vtItem( hItem ), vtColumn( c );
		CString strCaption = V2S( &items.GetCellValue( vtItem, vtColumn ) ), strOutput;
		strOutput.Format( "Cell: '%s', Hit = %08X\n", strCaption, hit );
		OutputDebugString( strOutput );

The following VB.NET sample displays the cell's from the point:

Private Sub AxGraph1_MouseMoveEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXGRAPHLib._IGraphEvents_MouseMoveEvent) Handles AxGraph1.MouseMoveEvent
    With AxGraph1
        Dim i As Integer, c As Integer, hit As EXGRAPHLib.HitTestInfoEnum
        i = .get_ItemFromPoint(e.x, e.y, c, hit)
        If (Not (i = 0) Or Not (c = 0)) Then
            Debug.WriteLine("Cell: " & .Items.CellValue(i, c) & " Hit: " & hit.ToString())
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C# sample displays the cell's from the point:

private void axGraph1_MouseMoveEvent(object sender, AxEXGRAPHLib._IGraphEvents_MouseMoveEvent e)
	int c = 0;
	EXGRAPHLib.HitTestInfoEnum hit;
	int i = axGraph1.get_ItemFromPoint( e.x, e.y, out c,out hit );
	if ( ( i != 0 ) || ( c != 0 ) )
		object cap = axGraph1.Items.get_CellValue(i, c);
		string s = cap != null ? cap.ToString() : "";
		s = "Cell: " + s + ", Hit: " + hit.ToString();

The following VFP sample displays the cell's from the point:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS button, shift, x, y

local c, hit
c = 0
hit = 0
with thisform.Graph1
	.Items.DefaultItem = .ItemFromPoint( x, y, @c, @hit )
	if ( .Items.DefaultItem <> 0 ) or ( c <> 0 )
		wait window nowait .Items.CellValue( 0, c ) + " " + Str( hit )