property ICalendar.fromICalendar (Value as String, Type as PropertyTypeEnum) as Variant
Converts the giving ICalendar expression to a VARIANT expression. For instance, fromICalendar("P15DT12H", exPropertyTypeDuration) returns 15.5 which indicates 15 days and 12 hours.

Value as String A String expression that indicates the value to be converted from
Type as PropertyTypeEnum A PropertyTypeEnum expression that specifies the type to be converted to
Variant A VARIANT expression that specifies the value being converted
The fromICalendar property converts the ICalendar value to a VARIANT expression. The toICalendar property is the reverse function, so it converts a VARIANT expression back to iCalendar format. The valuesFromICalendar property returns values for known parameters of the giving expression ( available for exPropertyTypeDuration, exPropertyTypePeriod and exPropertyTypeRecur types )

Based on the Type parameter of the fromICalendar property, the type of the VARIANT being returned is: