constants RecurPartEnum
The RecurPartEnum type specifies the parts of the recurrence rule. The RecurPartValue property specifies the value of giving part of the recurrence rule. The RecurPartEnum type supports the following values:

exRecurSyntaxErrorInfo-2 Returns syntax error description.
exRecurSyntaxError-1 Returns syntax error code.
exRecurFREQ0 Returns the FREQ rule value.
exRecurDTSTART1 Returns the DTSTART property value.
exRecurUNTIL2 Returns the UNTIL rule value.
exRecurCOUNT3 Returns the COUNT rule value.
exRecurINTERVAL4 Returns the INTERVAL rule value.
exRecurBYSECOND5 Returns the BYSECOND rule value.
exRecurBYMINUTE6 Returns the BYMINUTE rule value.
exRecurBYHOUR7 Returns the BYHOUR rule value.
exRecurBYDAY8 Returns the BYDAY rule value.
exRecurBYMONTHDAY9 Returns the BYMONTHDAY rule value.
exRecurBYYEARDAY10 Returns the BYYEARDAY rule value.
exRecurBYWEEKNO11 Returns the BYWEEKNO rule value.
exRecurBYMONTH12 Returns the BYMONTH rule value.
exRecurBYSETPOS13 Returns the BYSETPOS rule value.
exRecurWKST14 Returns the WKST property value.