method Pivot.Copy ()
Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in the EMF format.

Use the Copy method to copy the control's content to the clipboard, in Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. The Enhanced Metafile format is a 32-bit format that can contain both vector information and bitmap information. This format is an improvement over the Windows Metafile Format and contains extended features, such as the following:

• Built-in scaling information 
• Built-in descriptions that are saved with the file 
• Improvements in color palettes and device independence 

The EMF format is an extensible format, which means that a programmer can modify the original specification to add functionality or to meet specific needs. You can paste this format to Microsoft Word, Excel, Front Page, Microsoft Image Composer and any application that know to handle EMF formats. 

The Copy method copies the control's header if it's visible, and all visible items. Use the CopyTo method to copy the control's view to an EMF file. The items are not expanded, they are listed in the order as they are displayed on the screen. Use the HeaderVisible property to show or hide the control's header. The background of the copied control is transparent. You can use the Export method to export the control's DATA in CSV format.

The following VB sample saves the control's content to a EMF file, when user presses the CTRL+C key:

Private Sub Pivot1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    If (KeyCode = vbKeyC) And Shift = 2 Then
        SavePicture Clipboard.GetData(), App.Path & "\test.emf"
    End If
End Sub

Now, you can open your MS Windows Word application, and you can insert the file using the Insert\Picture\From File menu, or by pressing the CTRL+V key to paste the clipboard.

The following C++ function saves the clipboard's data ( EMF format ) to a picture file:

BOOL saveEMFtoFile( LPCTSTR szFileName )
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;
	if ( ::OpenClipboard( NULL ) )
		CComPtr spPicture;
		PICTDESC pictDesc = {0};
		pictDesc.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(pictDesc);
		pictDesc.emf.hemf = (HENHMETAFILE)GetClipboardData( CF_ENHMETAFILE );
		pictDesc.picType = PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE;
		if ( SUCCEEDED( OleCreatePictureIndirect( &pictDesc, IID_IPicture, FALSE, (LPVOID*)&spPicture ) ) )
			HGLOBAL hGlobal = NULL;
			CComPtr spStream;
			if ( SUCCEEDED( CreateStreamOnHGlobal( hGlobal = GlobalAlloc( GPTR, 0 ), TRUE, &spStream ) ) )
				long dwSize = NULL;
				if ( SUCCEEDED( spPicture->SaveAsFile( spStream, TRUE, &dwSize ) ) )
					if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
						spStream->Seek(l, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
						long dwWritten = NULL;
						while ( dwWritten < dwSize )
							unsigned long dwRead = NULL;
							BYTE b[10240] = {0};
							spStream->Read( &b, 10240, &dwRead );
							DWORD dwBWritten = NULL;
							WriteFile( hFile, b, dwRead, &dwBWritten, NULL );
							dwWritten += dwBWritten;
						CloseHandle( hFile );
						bResult = TRUE;
	return bResult;

The following VB.NET sample copies the control's content to the clipboard ( open the mspaint application and paste the clipboard, after running the following code ):

With AxPivot1
End With

The following C# sample copies the control's content to a file ( open the mspaint application and paste the clipboard, after running the following code ):
