property Group.FilterInclude as FilterIncludeEnum
Specifies the items being included after the user applies the filter.

FilterIncludeEnum A FilterIncludeEnum expression that indicates the items being included when the filter is applied.
By default, the FilterInclude property is exItemsWithoutChilds. Use the FilterInclude property to specify whether the child items should be included to the list when the user applies the filter. Use the Filter property and FilterType property to specify the column's filter. Use the ApplyFilter to apply the filter at runtime. Use the ClearFilter method to clear the control's filter.

Let's say that we have the following hierarchy:

and the Filter property is "A*", FilterType property is FilterPattern.

If the FilterInclude property is exItemsWithoutChilds, the filtered list looks like follows:

If the FilterInclude property is exItemsWithChilds, the filtered list looks like follows:

If the FilterInclude property is exRootsWithoutChilds, the filtered list looks like follows:

If the FilterInclude property is exRootsWithChilds, the filtered list looks like follows: