property Items.FindItem (Caption as Variant, [ColIndex as Variant], [StartIndex as Variant]) as HITEM

Finds an item, looking for Caption in ColIndex column. The searching starts at StartIndex item.

Caption as Variant A Variant expression that indicates the caption that is searched for.
ColIndex as Variant A long expression that indicates the column's index or the cell's handle, a string expression that indicates the 
column's caption. 
StartIndex as Variant A long value that indicates the index of item from where the searching starts.
HITEM A long expression that indicates the item's handle that matches the criteria.

Use the FindItem to search for an item. Finds a group's item that matches CellCaption( Item, ColIndex ) = Caption. The searching starts from item index Start Index. The searching is case sensitive only if the ASCIIUpper property is empty. The following sample shows hot to select the first item that matches "DUMON" on the first column: Group.Items.SelectItem(Group.Items.FindItem("DUMON", 0)) = True