exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.cmonth = { normal: { opacity: 0.25, frameColor: "gray", fillColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.25)", pad: 4, primitive: "RoundRect", } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.cmonthh = { hover: { client: "[,,,18]", opacity: 0.5, frameColor: "gray", fillColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.25)", pad: 4, primitive: "RoundRect", } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.gridline = { normal: // *Fixed: The day's grid-lines are hidden while the cursor hovers the date, while using shapes option includes "gridline(d)" (@since 2.4) { draw: function(ctx, client) { ctx.drawShape(client, { frameColor: "lightgray", }) } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.cgridh = { normal: { fillColor: "black", frameColor: "gray", tfi: { fgColor: "white" } }, click: { fillColor: "gray", frameColor: "lightgray", } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.cheader = { normal: { opacity: 0.5, frameColor: "gray", fillColor: "rgba(128,128,128,0.5)", primitive: "RoundRect", } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.lheader = { normal: { primitive: "RoundRect", fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.25)", client: "[x + 4,y+height-6,width-8,6]", clientText: "[,y-14]" } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.lselect = { normal: { tfi: { bold: true }, draw: function (ctx, client) { var rtBottom = client.slice(); rtBottom[1 /*exontrol.y*/] = exontrol.BOf(rtBottom) - 4; rtBottom[3 /*exontrol.h*/] = 4; ctx.drawShape( rtBottom, { primitive: "RoundRect", fillColor: "dodgerblue" }) } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.lweekend = { normal: { pattern: exontrol.PatternEnum.exPatternDiagCross, patternColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.20)", tfi: { fgColor: "gray" } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.starhot = { normal: { pad: 4, primitive: "EllipticPolygon", pArg: { edges: 4, startAngle: 0, }, shadow: { blur: 4, }, fillColor: "black", tfi: { fgColor: "white", bold: true } }, hover: { pad: 4, primitive: "EllipticPolygon", pArg: { edges: 4, startAngle: Math.PI / 4, }, fillColor: "black", tfi: { fgColor: "white", bold: true } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.bevelhdr = { normal: { primitive: "BevelRect", pad: [-2, 0], padText: [-4, 0], fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.10)", frameColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.20)", }, click: { pad: [-2, 0], padText: [-4, 0], fillColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.20)", frameColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.40)" }, } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.bevelbtn = { normal: { primitive: "BevelRect", pad: [-3, -2], }, } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.bevelstar = { normal: { primitive: "BevelRect", pad: 3, fillColor: "blue", frameColor: "black", tfi: { bold: true, }, shadow: { blur: 4, } }, } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.rectsel = { normal: { fillColor: "dodgerblue", tfi: { fgColor: "white", } }, hover: { tfi: { fgColor: "white" } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.prevr = { normal: { client: "[x-3]", pad: [0, -3], fillColor: "rgb(192,192,192)", frameColor: "rgb(128,128,128)", text: "▴", // BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE }, click: { fillColor: "rgb(164,164,164)", pad: [0, -3], tfi: { fgColor: "gray" } } } exontrol.Shapes.Calendar.nextr = { normal: { pad: [0, -3], fillColor: "rgb(192,192,192)", frameColor: "rgb(128,128,128)", text: "▾", // BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE }, click: { fillColor: "rgb(164,164,164)", pad: [0, -3], tfi: { fgColor: "gray" } } }