property Calc.PictureUp as Variant
Specifies the picture that's displayed when the button is up.

Variant A Picture object that indicates the cell's picture. ( A Picture object implements IPicture interface ), a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object. Use the eximages tool to save your picture as base64 encoded format.
Use the PictureDown and PictureUp properties to specify the picture for the buttons. Use the Picture property to load a picture into the control's background. Use the PictureDisplay property to arrange how the control's picture is displayed on its background. Use the ButtonHeight and ButtonWidth property to specify the height and the width of the buttons in the control.

The following sample assigns different images to the buttons:

PictureDown = "gBHJJGHA5MIgAEIe4AAAFhyFiDYiQBikVi0XjEZjUbjkdj0fkEhkUjkklk0nlEplUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nEhhgAEL5AgBhj/AAsncJoxABCCAD/BIcJCwUDBQYIAIgLhICBAQCEBgjHSEDBxcJERYAGRqbjIKKjYiKCwfDxUBByUjISQoKaqUi4eQfZKRFoFLw0fBycrMQQ1KreNgYablv4dQZyfjZWaoaKjEBzSxUZQzczOQJMS4SQraeapZiqKavHTNdQSFZLTZcUYmBrreorJSrAoDVBdZa2dpaUhwMYGAgAHcBA=="