A ContextOptionEnum expression that indicates the option being changed.
A variant value that indicates the value for the specified option.
Use the Options property to specify options for the control's context list.
Use the Add method to add new items to the
control's context list. Use the Remove method
to remove an item from the control's context list. Use the Sort
method to sort the items in the control's context list.
The Context.Options(exContextCaseSensitive) as Boolean specifies whether the selection of items into a sensitive context list is case sensitive. By default, the Context.Options(exContextCaseSensitive) is False. For instance, if Context.Options(exContextCaseSensitive) is True, the selection of items from a context list is case sensitive.
The Context.Options(exContextAllowChars) as String specifies the list of characters that are allowed to a context list. By default, the Context.Options(exContextAllowChars) property is "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". For instance, if user presses any of characters that are not included to Context.Options(exContextAllowChars) property the context list is closed.