method Edit.AddWild (Expression as String)
Adds a wild characters expression to a sensitive control.

Expression as String A string expression that specifies the HTML format for a wild characters expression. The wild characters supported are '*' and '?'. Also the wild expression supports escaped characters, AddWild("<b>\*") bolds the * character only, not including the rest of the line, while AddWild("<b>\**") bolds everything after a * character.
The AddWild method adds an expression that may contain wild characters like '*' or '?'. Use the FormatNumbers property to specify the format of the numbers in the control. Use the AddKeyword method to add new keywords to the control. Use the AddExpression method to add new expressions to the control.

The following VB sample shows in bold all till : character, shows in gray till ; and let the rest unchanged: 

With Edit1
        .AddWild "<b>*</b>:*"
        .AddWild "<b>*</b>;<fgcolor=808080>*</fgcolor>:*"
End With

and shows as:

instead of:

For instance the following VB sample underlines all ' ' ( space character ) in the text:

With Edit1
        .AddWild ("<u> </u>")
End With 

and shows as:

instead of:

Note that if you are adding a keyword like:

With Edit1
        .AddKeyword ("<u>a</u>")
End With

only 'a' characters that is a separated word will be underlined. The wild characters expression may contain '*' that means any string of characters and '?' that means a single character. 

and it shows as:

instead of:

For instance the following sample shows in bold all expressions that starts with '<' and ends with the '>'  and it has at least once character inside.

With Edit1
        .AddWild ("<fgcolor=0000FF><?*></fgcolor>")
End With

like shown in the following picture:

instead of:

Note that if you are adding an expression that starts with '<' and ends with '>' the expression will be highlighted even there is no character between them:

With Edit1
        .AddExpression "<b><</b>", "<b> </b>", "<b>></b>"
End With

If you want to highlight only the part between '<' and '>' then you should use a sample like follows:

With Edit1
        .AddExpression "<", "<b> </b>", ">"
End With

The following C++ sample underlines all ' ' ( space character ) in the text:

m_edit.AddWild("<u> </u>");

The following VB.NET sample underlines all ' ' ( space character ) in the text:

With AxEdit1
    .AddWild("<u> </u>")
End With

The following C# sample underlines all ' ' ( space character ) in the text:

axEdit1.AddWild("<u> </u>");

The following VFP sample underlines all ' ' ( space character ) in the text:

With thisform.Edit1
	.AddWild("<u> </u>")