property Edit.FormatNumbers as String
Specifies the HTML format that's applied to numbers.

String A string expression that defines the HTML expression being used when control displays numbers. 
By default, the FormatNumbers property is "<fgcolor=0000FF> </fgcolor>". By default the numbers get colored in blue. Use the FormatNumbers to define the appearance for the numbers in the control. If the FormatNumbers property is empty no format is applied to numbers in the control. Use the AddKeyword method to add new keywords to the control. Use the AddExpression method to add new expressions to the control. Use the AddWild method to add expression that may contain wild character like "*" or "?".

For instance the following VB sample bolds the numbers in the control:

With Edit1
        .FormatNumbers = "<b> </b>"
End With

Important to note is that the "<b> </b>" contains an empty space character, else the format for numbers in the control will not be updated.

The following C++ sample bolds the numbers in the control:

m_edit.SetFormatNumbers( "<b> </b>" );

The following VB.NET sample bolds the numbers in the control:

With AxEdit1
    .FormatNumbers = "<b> </b>"
End With

The following C# sample bolds the numbers in the control:

axEdit1.FormatNumbers = "<b> </b>";

The following VFP sample bolds the numbers in the control:

With thisform.Edit1
	.FormatNumbers = "<b> </b>"