Type | Description | |||
String | A String expression that specifies the formula to format the level. |
For instance, you can use the FormatLabel property to customize the labels and the subdivisions in your chart as you can see in the following screen shot ( "'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)" ):
If the Unit property is exDay for several levels ( more than 1 level ), you can display your subdivisions using the Count property, based on 0, not based on the FirstVisibleDate property. You can get this layout using the
The screen shows in different colors the Jun 27 as being the last Friday of June, and the Jul 25 as being the last Friday on July.
The value keyword in the FormatLabel property specifies the label of the level as it is before formatting ( in string format ). The dvalue keyword, indicates the date-time expression of the element in the label being formatted.
This property supports auto-numbering (index, pos, ...) expressions as described here. This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.
The following VB sample shows how you can highlight the last Friday for each month::
With G2antt1 With .Chart .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .FirstVisibleDate = #1/17/2008# .LevelCount = 2 .Level(1).FormatLabel = "(weekday(dvalue)=5 ? month(dvalue+7)!=month(dvalue) ? '<b><bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>' ) +" & _ " value" End With End WithThe following VB sample shows how you can define your own labels and subdivisions:
With G2antt1 .BeginUpdate With .Chart .ToolTip = "" .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .ScrollRange(exStartDate) = 0 .ScrollRange(exEndDate) = 110 .FirstVisibleDate = 0 .ShowNonworkingDates = False .MarkTodayColor = .BackColor .LevelCount = 3 With .Level(0) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = CenterAlignment .Unit = exDay .Count = 16 .FormatLabel = "'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)" End With With .Level(1) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = CenterAlignment .Unit = exDay .Count = 4 .FormatLabel = " (abs(dvalue)/4) mod 4" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "Sub-Group <b>1</b>" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "Sub-Group <b>2</b>" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "Sub-Group <b>3</b>" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "Sub-Group <b>4</b>" End With With .Level(2) .ToolTip = "" .Unit = exDay .Count = 1 .FormatLabel = "(abs(dvalue) mod 4)" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "A" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "B" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "C" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "D" End With End With .EndUpdate End With
The following VB.NET sample shows how you can highlight the last Friday for each month::
With AxG2antt1 With .Chart .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .FirstVisibleDate = #1/17/2008# .LevelCount = 2 .Level(1).FormatLabel = "(weekday(dvalue)=5 ? month(dvalue+7)!=month(dvalue) ? '<b><bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>' ) +" & _ " value" End With End WithThe following VB.NET sample shows how you can define your own labels and subdivisions:
With AxG2antt1 .BeginUpdate With .Chart .ToolTip = "" .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .ScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib.ScrollRangeEnum.exStartDate) = 0 .ScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib.ScrollRangeEnum.exEndDate) = 110 .FirstVisibleDate = 0 .ShowNonworkingDates = False .MarkTodayColor = .BackColor .LevelCount = 3 With .Level(0) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment .Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay .Count = 16 .FormatLabel = "'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)" End With With .Level(1) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment .Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay .Count = 4 .FormatLabel = " (abs(dvalue)/4) mod 4" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "Sub-Group <b>1</b>" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "Sub-Group <b>2</b>" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "Sub-Group <b>3</b>" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "Sub-Group <b>4</b>" End With With .Level(2) .ToolTip = "" .Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay .Count = 1 .FormatLabel = "(abs(dvalue) mod 4)" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "A" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "B" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "C" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "D" End With End With .EndUpdate End With
The following C++ sample shows how you can highlight the last Friday for each month::
/* Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as it defines the namespace 'EXG2ANTTLib' for the library: 'ExG2antt 1.0 Control Library' #import <ExG2antt.dll> using namespace EXG2ANTTLib; */ EXG2ANTTLib::IG2anttPtr spG2antt1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_G2ANTT1)->GetControlUnknown(); EXG2ANTTLib::IChartPtr var_Chart = spG2antt1->GetChart(); var_Chart->PutPaneWidth(0,0); var_Chart->PutFirstVisibleDate("1/17/2008"); var_Chart->PutLevelCount(2); var_Chart->GetLevel(1)->PutFormatLabel(_bstr_t("(weekday(dvalue)=5 ? month(dvalue+7)!=month(dvalue) ? '<b><bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>' ) +") + " value");The following C++ sample shows how you can define your own labels and subdivisions:
/* Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as it defines the namespace 'EXG2ANTTLib' for the library: 'ExG2antt 1.0 Control Library' #import <ExG2antt.dll> using namespace EXG2ANTTLib; */ EXG2ANTTLib::IG2anttPtr spG2antt1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_G2ANTT1)->GetControlUnknown(); spG2antt1->BeginUpdate(); EXG2ANTTLib::IChartPtr var_Chart = spG2antt1->GetChart(); var_Chart->PutToolTip(L""); var_Chart->PutPaneWidth(0,0); var_Chart->PutScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib::exStartDate,long(0)); var_Chart->PutScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib::exEndDate,long(110)); var_Chart->PutFirstVisibleDate(long(0)); var_Chart->PutShowNonworkingDates(VARIANT_FALSE); var_Chart->PutMarkTodayColor(var_Chart->GetBackColor()); var_Chart->PutLevelCount(3); EXG2ANTTLib::ILevelPtr var_Level = var_Chart->GetLevel(0); var_Level->PutToolTip(""); var_Level->PutAlignment(EXG2ANTTLib::CenterAlignment); var_Level->PutUnit(EXG2ANTTLib::exDay); var_Level->PutCount(16); var_Level->PutFormatLabel(L"'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)"); EXG2ANTTLib::ILevelPtr var_Level1 = var_Chart->GetLevel(1); var_Level1->PutToolTip(""); var_Level1->PutAlignment(EXG2ANTTLib::CenterAlignment); var_Level1->PutUnit(EXG2ANTTLib::exDay); var_Level1->PutCount(4); var_Level1->PutFormatLabel(L" (abs(dvalue)/4) mod 4"); var_Level1->PutReplaceLabel(L"0",L"Sub-Group <b>1</b>"); var_Level1->PutReplaceLabel(L"1",L"Sub-Group <b>2</b>"); var_Level1->PutReplaceLabel(L"2",L"Sub-Group <b>3</b>"); var_Level1->PutReplaceLabel(L"3",L"Sub-Group <b>4</b>"); EXG2ANTTLib::ILevelPtr var_Level2 = var_Chart->GetLevel(2); var_Level2->PutToolTip(""); var_Level2->PutUnit(EXG2ANTTLib::exDay); var_Level2->PutCount(1); var_Level2->PutFormatLabel(L"(abs(dvalue) mod 4)"); var_Level2->PutReplaceLabel(L"0",L"A"); var_Level2->PutReplaceLabel(L"1",L"B"); var_Level2->PutReplaceLabel(L"2",L"C"); var_Level2->PutReplaceLabel(L"3",L"D"); spG2antt1->EndUpdate();
The following C# sample shows how you can highlight the last Friday for each month::
EXG2ANTTLib.Chart var_Chart = axG2antt1.Chart; var_Chart.set_PaneWidth(0 != 0,0); var_Chart.FirstVisibleDate = "1/17/2008"; var_Chart.LevelCount = 2; var_Chart.get_Level(1).FormatLabel = "(weekday(dvalue)=5 ? month(dvalue+7)!=month(dvalue) ? '<b><bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>' ) +" + " value";The following C# sample shows how you can define your own labels and subdivisions:
axG2antt1.BeginUpdate(); EXG2ANTTLib.Chart var_Chart = axG2antt1.Chart; var_Chart.ToolTip = ""; var_Chart.set_PaneWidth(0 != 0,0); var_Chart.set_ScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib.ScrollRangeEnum.exStartDate,0); var_Chart.set_ScrollRange(EXG2ANTTLib.ScrollRangeEnum.exEndDate,110); var_Chart.FirstVisibleDate = 0; var_Chart.ShowNonworkingDates = false; var_Chart.MarkTodayColor = var_Chart.BackColor; var_Chart.LevelCount = 3; EXG2ANTTLib.Level var_Level = var_Chart.get_Level(0); var_Level.ToolTip = ""; var_Level.Alignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment; var_Level.Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay; var_Level.Count = 16; var_Level.FormatLabel = "'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)"; EXG2ANTTLib.Level var_Level1 = var_Chart.get_Level(1); var_Level1.ToolTip = ""; var_Level1.Alignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment; var_Level1.Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay; var_Level1.Count = 4; var_Level1.FormatLabel = " (abs(dvalue)/4) mod 4"; var_Level1.set_ReplaceLabel("0","Sub-Group <b>1</b>"); var_Level1.set_ReplaceLabel("1","Sub-Group <b>2</b>"); var_Level1.set_ReplaceLabel("2","Sub-Group <b>3</b>"); var_Level1.set_ReplaceLabel("3","Sub-Group <b>4</b>"); EXG2ANTTLib.Level var_Level2 = var_Chart.get_Level(2); var_Level2.ToolTip = ""; var_Level2.Unit = EXG2ANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay; var_Level2.Count = 1; var_Level2.FormatLabel = "(abs(dvalue) mod 4)"; var_Level2.set_ReplaceLabel("0","A"); var_Level2.set_ReplaceLabel("1","B"); var_Level2.set_ReplaceLabel("2","C"); var_Level2.set_ReplaceLabel("3","D"); axG2antt1.EndUpdate();
The following VFP sample shows how you can highlight the last Friday for each month::
with thisform.G2antt1 with .Chart .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .FirstVisibleDate = {^2008-1-17} .LevelCount = 2 var_s = "(weekday(dvalue)=5 ? month(dvalue+7)!=month(dvalue) ? '<b><bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>' ) + " var_s = var_s + "value" .Level(1).FormatLabel = var_s endwith endwithThe following VFP sample shows how you can define your own labels and subdivisions:
with thisform.G2antt1 .BeginUpdate with .Chart .ToolTip = "" .PaneWidth(0) = 0 .ScrollRange(0) = 0 .ScrollRange(1) = 110 .FirstVisibleDate = 0 .ShowNonworkingDates = .F. .MarkTodayColor = .BackColor .LevelCount = 3 with .Level(0) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = 1 .Unit = 4096 .Count = 16 .FormatLabel = "'Group <b>'+int(1 +dvalue/16)" endwith with .Level(1) .ToolTip = "" .Alignment = 1 .Unit = 4096 .Count = 4 .FormatLabel = " (abs(dvalue)/4) mod 4" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "Sub-Group <b>1</b>" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "Sub-Group <b>2</b>" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "Sub-Group <b>3</b>" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "Sub-Group <b>4</b>" endwith with .Level(2) .ToolTip = "" .Unit = 4096 .Count = 1 .FormatLabel = "(abs(dvalue) mod 4)" .ReplaceLabel("0") = "A" .ReplaceLabel("1") = "B" .ReplaceLabel("2") = "C" .ReplaceLabel("3") = "D" endwith endwith .EndUpdate endwith