constants OnResizeControlEnum
The OnResizeControlEnum type specifies the parts of the controls being resized when the control itself gets resized. Use the OnControlResize property to specify which part list or chart of the control is getting resized once the control itself is resized. For instance, the OnControlResize property may be ( exResizeChart or exDisableSplitter ) that specifies that the control resizes the chart area, and the vertical splitter is disabled.

exResizeList0 Resizes the list part of the control. The control fires the ChartStartChanging(exVSplitterChange) and ChartEndChanging(exVSplitterChange) event when the list or chart area gets resized. The PaneWidth property specifies the width of the list/item/chart area.
exResizeChart1 Resizes the chart part of the control. The control fires the ChartStartChanging(exHSplitterChange) and ChartEndChanging(exHSplitterChange) event when the list or chart area gets resized. The PaneWidth property specifies the width of the list/item/chart area. The controls vertical splitter is hidden if the OnControlResize property is exResizeChart + exDisableSplitter (129 ) and the PaneWidth(False) property is 0.
exDisableSplitter128 Disables the splitter. If this option is set the user can not resize the chart or the list using the control's splitter, at runtime. The disabled cursor is shown when the cursor-mouse hovers the vertical splitter. The controls vertical splitter is hidden if the OnControlResize property is exResizeChart + exDisableSplitter (129 ) and the PaneWidth(False) property is 0.
exDisableHistogram256 Disables resizing the histogram at runtime. If this is set the user can't resize the histogram at runtime. Use the HistogramVisible property to show or hide the chart's histogram. The HistogramHeight property specifies the height in pixels of the chart's histogram. The control fires the ChartStartChanging( exHSplitterChange) and ChartEndChanging( exHSplitterChange) event when the histogram's bound is changed. The disabled cursor is shown when the cursor-mouse hovers the horizontal splitter.
exSplitterShowButtons512 Shows the resize buttons on the vertical splitter.
exDisableOverview1024 Disables resizing the overview. If this flag is present, the user is not able to resize the control's overview by dragging the horizontal split bar.
exDisableSplitPane2048 Disables the splitting the pane. If this flag is present, the user is not able to resize any split panels by dragging the vertical split bar. This flag has effect, only if the AllowSplitPane property is set.
The following screen shot shows the resizing buttons when the exSplitterShowButtons is set: