property Layer.RotateAngleValid as String
Validates the rotation angle of the layer.

String A String expression that validates the rotation angle value of the layer. The result of evaluating the expression indicates the newly RotateAngle value.
By default, the RotateAngleValid property is empty. The RotateAngleValid property has no effect if it is empty, missing or invalid. If the RotateAngleValid property is valid expression, the value of RotateAngle property always matches RotateAngleValid expression. In other words, the RotateAngleValid validates the rotation angle of the layer. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerRotateAngleValid) property to specify the default value for the RotateAngleValid property, before adding any layer. The Change event occurs when the layer's OffsetX property is changed. The DragStart / Drag / DragEnd events notify your application when a layer is dragged. You can debug the rotation angle, using the Debug property of the DragInfo object. During drag operation you can use the RotateAngleValid property to limit the rotation angle.

For instance:

The RotateAngleValid property supports the following keywords:

Also, this property supports all constants, operators and functions defined here.

The following picture shows the rotation properties of the Layer, relative to the RotateCenterLayer layer:

Any of the following properties can be used to rotate the layer:

The following properties can be used to specify a different rotation center:

The following properties can be used to change the rotation center, while the layer's OnDrag property is exDoRotamove: