property Layer.RotateCenterY as String
Indicates the expression that determines the y-origin of the rotation point relative to the RotateCenterLayer layer.

String A String expression that determines the y-origin of the rotation point relative to the RotateCenterLayer layer.
By default, the RotateCenterX / RotateCenterY property is empty. If the RotateCenterX / RotateCenterY property is empty, missing or invalid, the center of the layer ( RotateCenterLayer layer) is considered the rotation center. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerRotateCenterX) property to specify the default value for the RotateCenterX property, before adding the layer. 

You can change the Debug property ( to exDebugLayerDragRotate, for instance ) of the DragInfo object during the DragStart event to show the current rotation point as shown in the following screen shot:

For instance:

The RotateCenterX property supports the following keywords:

Also, this property supports all constants, operators and functions defined here.

The following properties can be used to specify a different rotation center:

The following picture shows the rotation properties of the Layer, relative to the RotateCenterLayer layer:

Any of the following properties can be used to rotate the layer:

The following properties can be used to change the rotation center, while the layer's OnDrag property is exDoRotamove: