property HTML.ToolBarItems as String
Specifies the control's toolbar format.

String A String expression that specifies the items to be added. The list of items is separated by , (comma) character, while sub-menus are include between () parenthesis. The [] brackets indicates the options to be applied on the item.
The ToolBarItems property defines the control's toolbar format. You can use the EditToolBar tool of eXToolBar component, to view, edit / update the ToolBarItems property as a string. 

By default, the control's toolbar shows as:

The visual appearance of the control's toolbar depends on your current theme / windows. The TollBarSize specifies the size / visibility of the control's toolbar. The ToolBarEvent event notifies your application that the user selects, edits, checks or un-checks an item in the control's toolbar.  The ToolBarAnchor property gets or sets the edge of the control to which the toolbar is bound and determines how the toolbar is resized with its control.  The ToolBarHTMLPicture property adds/removes custom-size pictures to be shown on the control's tollbar. The ToolBarImages / ToolBarReplaceIcon methods defines the icons to be displayed on the control's toolbar. The ToolBarBorderSize property specifies the size of the border of the control's toolbar. The Background(exToolBarAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance / background color of the control's toolbar. The Background(exToolBarPopupAppearance)  / Background(exToolBarLocalAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance / background color of the popup to be shown from the control's toolbar.

The ToolBarItems syntax in BNF notation:

<ToolBarItems> ::= <ITEMS>
<ITEMS> ::= <ITEM>["("<ITEMS>")"][","<ITEMS>]
<OPTIONS> ::= "["<OPTION>"]"["["<OPTIONS>"]"]
<PROPERTY> ::= "img" | "himg" | "sep" | "id" | "typ" | "group" | "chk" | "button" | "align" | "spchk" | "show" | "rad" | "dis" | "showdis" | "bld" | "itl" | "stk" | "und" | "bg" | "fg" | "edittype" | "edit" | "mask" | "border" | "editwidth" | "captionwidth" | "height" | "grp" | "tfi" | "ttp" | "min" | "max" | "tick" | "freq" | "ticklabel" | "small" | "large" | "spin" | "ettp" | "float" | "close" | "local" | "popupapp" | "itemspad" | "itemsbg" | "itemsbghot" | "itemsbgext" | "visible" | "tab" | "pad" | "bghot" | "bgsel" | "bgselhot" | "arrow" | "popupalign" | "popupoffset" | "popupat"

where the <CAPTION> is the HTML caption to be shown on the context menu item. The <VALUE> indicates the value of giving property.