property Editor.EditType as EditTypeEnum
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the type of the contained editor.

EditTypeEnum An EditTypeEnum expression that specifies the type of the editor.
Use the EditType property to specify the type of the editor. Use the Add method to insert new type of editors to the control. You can specify the type of editor at the adding time. Use the AddItem method to insert predefined items to a drop down list editor. Use the Option property to define options for a specific type of editor.

The following sample adds an integer editor and a float point editor:

With XMLGrid1
        .AutoEdit = True
        With .Editors.Add("Float", EditType)
            .Numeric = exFloat
        End With
        With .Editors.Add("Integer", EditType)
            .Numeric = exInteger
        End With
        With .Nodes
            With .Add("<b>Float</b> Number")
                .Editor = "Float"
            End With
            With .Add("<b>Integer</b> Number")
                .Editor = "Integer"
            End With
        End With
End With

The following sample adds check list editor:

With XMLGrid1
        .AutoEdit = True
        With .Editors.Add("CL", CheckListType)
            .AddItem 1, "One"
            .AddItem 2, "Two"
            .AddItem 4, "Four"
        End With
        With .Nodes
            With .Add("Check", 3)
                .Editor = "CL"
            End With
        End With
End With

The following sample adds a progress bar editor:

With XMLGrid1
        .AutoEdit = True
        With .Editors.Add("PRO", ProgressBarType)
            .Option(exProgressBarBackColor) = vbGreen
        End With
        With .Nodes
            With .Add("Progress", 34)
                .Editor = "PRO"
            End With
        End With
End With