constants PivotBarVisibleEnum
The PivotBarVisibleEnum type indicates the options/flags/properties of the control's pivot bar. The PivotBarVisible property indicates the options to be changed for the control's pivot bar. Any of the following values can be bit-OR combinate with any other flag. The PivotBarVisibleEnum type supports the following values:

exPivotBarVisible1 Shows or hides the pivot-bar. Include or exclude this flag to show or hide the control's pivot bar. The PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property indicates whether the control shows a floating panel to display the pivot columns that can be dropped to the control's pivot bar. 
exPivotBarSizable2 Allows resizing the pivot-bar. Include or exclude this flag to allow or prevent resizing the pivot bar at runtime. If this flag is present, the user can resize the pivot bar by dragging the bottom side of the control. The resize cursor is shown when the pivot bar is resizable and cursor hovers the bottom side of the pivot bar. The PaneHeight property specifies the height of the top/bottom parts. The top panel is the control's pivot bar, while the bottom part is the control's list where the result goes. The PaneMinHeight property specifies the minimum height of the top/bottom parts. 
exPivotBarFloat4 Makes the pivot-bar a floating window. Include this flag, to display the control's pivot bar to a separate window ( a floating panel ).
exPivotBarAutoFit8 Automatically adjusts the pivot-bar's height to fit all elements. When this flag is present, the height of the pivot's bar is automatically adjusted so the entire content fits the header. The PaneHeight property specifies the height of control's panels. The PaneMinHeight property specifies the min height of control's panels.
exPivotBarShowTotals16 Enables handling of Total/SubTotal fields in the pivot-bar. By default, the control displays a Total field in the pivot bar. Include or exclude this flag to show or hide the Total field in the pivot bar. In other words, you can use this option to allow or prevent using the total/sub-totals function in the control.
exPivotBarAutoHide32 Hides the pivot-bar when the cursor is not hovering over it. The Auto-Hide feature shows the pivot bar while the cursor hovers it, while the pivot bar is hidden, when cursor is outside of the pivot bar.
exPivotBarAllowValues64 Indicates whether the user can drag and drop column values onto the pivot-bar. By default, the control allows dragging columns as values. When a column is dragged to the second line, its values will form a new column in the control's list. For example, dragging a 'Region' column will display the list with each region grouped in a separate column. 

Here's a screen shot of value columns:


The Federal Shipping, Speedy Express and United Package columns indicates the values being found on the Shippers_CompanyName column.

exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance128 Lets users modify the appearance of columns or total/subtotal fields. Use the Add method of the FormatAppearances collection to add new predefined appearance to the context's list.

By default, the control displays the list of appearances in the control's context menu as shown in the following screen shot:

Include or exclude this flag to allow or prevent applying the appearances using the control's context menu.

exPivotBarAllowFormatConditionalAppearance16777216 Lets users apply conditional formatting to columns.

By default, the control displays the list of conditional appearances in the control's context menu as shown in the following screen shot:

Include or exclude this flag to allow or prevent applying the conditional appearances using the control's context menu.

exPivotBarAllowFormatContent256 Allows users to format how the column's data is displayed. Use the Add method of the FormatContents collection to add new predefined functions to the context's list.

By default, the control displays the list of format functions in the control's context menu under the Content sub-menu as shown in the following screen shot:

Include or exclude this flag to allow or prevent applying the format functions using the control's context menu.

exPivotBarAutoUpdate512 Automatically updates the control's list when objects are dropped into the pivot-bar. By default, the control automatically updates-executes the control's layout as soon as the user drag and drop columns/aggregate functions to the control. In case this is a time-consuming depending on how large the data you provide, you can use this option to prevent executing the layout only when the user clicks the Refresh buttons as shown in the following screen shot:

Exclude this flag from the PivotBarVisible property, and so the Refresh button is shown in the bottom side of the control, and the changes will be applied to the control's list once the user clicks the Refresh button. Once the data is updated, the buttons shows as disabled until next change occurs. The control fires the LayoutStartChanging(exPivotDataLayoutExecute) / LayoutEndChanging(exPivotDataLayoutExecute) events once the control updates / executes the current layout.

exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo1024 Allows Undo/Redo operations using CTRL+Z/Y. The control restores the previously layout once the user presses the CTRL + Z keys combination. The control restores the next layout once the user presses the CTRL + Y keys combination. Exclude this flag, and the Undo/Redo feature is disabled.
exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns2048 Lets users resize columns in the pivot-bar. This flag affects the columns to be displayed din the pivot bar, not the columns to be displayed in the control's list.
exPivotBarDefault16781275 Indicates the default value of the PivotBarVisible property. By default, the exPivotBarDefault includes the following flags:
  • exPivotBarVisible
  • exPivotBarSizable
  • exPivotBarAutoFit
  • exPivotBarShowTotals
  • exPivotBarAllowValues
  • exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance
  • exPivotBarAllowFormatContent
  • exPivotBarAutoUpdate
  • exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo
  • exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns
  • exPivotBarAllowFormatConditionalAppearance
exPivotBarHideAddNew4096 Prevents the display of "Add New" buttons in the pivot-bar. Clicking the Add New button displays a list of columns or aggregate functions that can be added in the current context. For instance, the Add New button in the Rows section, helps you to add more columns to Group-By rows, and a Add New button in the Columns section, adds new Group-By Columns or new Aggregate functions to be used. The following screen shot shows theAdd New button:

exPivotBarContextSortAscending65536 Sorts columns in ascending alphabetical order. This flag can be combined with exPivotBarContextSortReverse and so, the columns will be alphabetically displayed in descending order. The PivotColumnsSortOrder property specifies the sorting order of the columns to be shown on the Columns Floating Panel ( PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property )
exPivotBarContextSortReverse1048576 Sorts columns in reverse order. This flag can be combined with exPivotBarContextSortAscending to display the columns in alphabetical descending order.
exPivotBarReadOnly268435456 Makes the pivot-bar read-only, preventing any changes.
exPivotBarSingleAggregate536870912 Configures the pivot-bar for a single aggregate function with separate row, column, and aggregate sections (single-aggregate mode) as in the following screen shot:

In single-aggregate mode, the control is divided into four sections:

  • top-left corner, displays the aggregate function applied to pivot cells (first pivot-column of PivotColumns property defines the aggregate function)
  • left header, represents the pivot-rows section, defining row groupings (as defined by PivotRows property)
  • top-header, represents the pivot-columns section, defining column groupings (as defined by PivotColumns property)
  • client area, displays the pivot result or the custom-view, as defined by CustomView property

In single-aggregate mode:

  • the PivotColumns property always contains more than one element. For example, if you set the PivotColumns property to an empty string, it is automatically set to "count(0)", which represents the count of the first column.
  • the total/sub-total items layout elements have no effect
  • it is recommended to set the ShowBranchRows property on exBranchColumns

The Description(exColumnEmptyPivotRows) and Description(exRowEmptyPivotRows) properties define the column and row captions when no pivot rows have been specified. When no pivot rows are defined, the pivot columns specify the aggregate functions to be applied to the entire data set (without pivot row grouping). By default, Description(exColumnEmptyPivotRows) is an empty string (""), and Description(exRowEmptyPivotRows) is set to "Total".