constants ItemCaptionEnum
The ItemCaptionEnum type defines different strings that are shown in the toolbar or print and print preview workspace. Use the ItemCaption property to change the captions/fields in the print preview window. Use the Images/ReplaceIcon method to add new icons to the control. Use the HTMLPicture property to add custom sized pictures. The ToolBarFormat property specifies the format to display the preview's toolbar.

The ItemCaptionEnum type supports the following values:

exSetup0 Changes the caption of the 'Setup' button. (Obsolete, replaced by exToolBarSetup)
exPrint1 Changes the caption of the 'Print' button. (Obsolete, replaced by exToolBarPrint)
exClose2 Changes the caption of the 'Close' button. (Obsolete, replaced by exToolBarClose)
exPageWidth3 Changes the caption of the 'PageWidth' item, in the zoom field.
exWholePage4 Changes the caption of the 'WholePage' item, in the zoom field.
exTwoPage5 Changes the caption of the 'TwoPage' item, in the zoom field.
exReady6 Changes the 'Ready' string.
exPage7 Changes the 'Page' string.
exPrinting8 Changes the 'Printing' string.
exCancel9 Changes the message that's displayed when control printing the object. By default, the exCancel is ", press ESC to cancel the current printing job."
exPrintPreview10 Changes the 'Print Preview' message in the preview's workspace window.
exAdjustMargin11 Specifies the 'Adjust Margins' title being displayed when the cursor hovers a margin of the page.
exSetupPrinter12 Specifies the 'Printer...' caption within the page-setup dialog.
exToolBarMagnify100 Specifies the caption of the 'Zoom' button. By default,  this option is "<img>1</img>%%". The %% indicates the current zooming factor.
exToolBarOnePage101 Specifies the caption of the 'One Page' button. By default,  this option is "<img>2</img>".
exToolBarTwoPage102 Specifies the caption of the 'Multiple Pages' button. By default,  this option is "<img>3</img>".
exToolBarSetup103 Specifies the caption of the 'Setup...' button. By default,  this option is "<img>4</img>Setup...".
exToolBarPrint104 Specifies the caption of the 'Print' button. By default,  this option is "<img>5</img>Print".
exToolBarClose105 Specifies the caption of the 'Close' button. By default,  this option is "<img>6</img>Close".
exToolBarTwoPageFixed106 Specifies the caption of the 'Multiple Pages (Fixed)' button. By default, this option is "<img>3</img> %%". The %% indicates the current zooming factor.