constants OptionEnum
Specifies different options for a built-in  The Option property specifies the editor's options

exDateTodayCaption0 Specifies the caption for the 'Today' button in the EditDate editor  By default, the Option(exDateTodayCaption) is "Today". (string expression)
exDateMonths1 Specifies the names for months to be displayed in in the EditDate editor. The list of months should be delimitated by spaces. By default, the Option(exDateMonths) = "January February March April May June July August September October November December". (string expression)
exDateWeekDays2 Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in the EditDate editor. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be separated by spaces. By default, the Option(exDateWeekDays) =  "S M T W T F S". The first shortcut in the list indicates the shortcut for the Sunday, the second shortcut indicates the shortcut for Monday, and so on.  (string expression)
exDateFirstWeekDay3 Specifies the first day of the week in the EditDate editor. By default, the Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 0. The valid values for the Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) property are like follows: 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday, 4 - Thursday, 5 - Friday and 6 - Saturday. (long expression, valid values are 0 to 6)
exDateShowTodayButton4 Specifies whether the 'Today' button is visible or hidden in the EditDate editor. By default, the Option(exDateShowTodayButton) property is True. (boolean expression)
exDateMarkToday5 Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the today date is marked in the EditDate editor. By default, Option(exDateMarkToday) property is False. (boolean expression)
exDateShowScroll6 Specifies whether the years scroll bar is visible or hidden in the EditDate editor. By default, the Option(exDateShowScroll) property is True. (boolean expression)
exFontCharSet7 Specifies a list of character sets being included in the EditFontName editor. The comma splits the characters sets in the option. By default, the exFontCharSet option is "0,2,255", that means that ANSI, OEM and SYMBOL character sets are included. (string expression) 
  • GB2312_CHARSET 134

For instance, if you need to include the Japanese fonts, you need to use the exFontCharSet option as "0,2,128,255", where 128 indicates the SHIFTJIS_CHARSET.

exEditFileTitle8 Specifies the title to select a file for the EditFile editor. By default, the option is "Select File" (string expression)
exEditFileFilter9 Specifies the filter to select files for the EditFile editor. If empty, no filter field is displayed on the open files dialog. By default, the option is "All Files (*.*)|*.*" (string expression)
exEditPictureTitle10 Specifies the title to select a file for the EditPicture editor. By default, the option is "Load Picture" (string expression)
exEditPictureFilter11 Specifies the filter to select files for the EditPicture editor. If empty, no filter field is displayed on the open files dialog.  By default, the option is "All Pictures Files|*.bmp;*.dib;*.gif;*.jpg;*.wmf;*.emf;*.ico;*.cur|Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)|;*.bmp;*.dib|GIF Images (*.gif)|*.gif|JPEG Images (*.jpg)|*.jpg|Metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)|*.wmf;*.emf|Icons (*.ico;*.cur)|*.ico;*.cur|All Files (*.*)|*.*" (string expression)
exEditFolderTitle12 Specifies the title to select a folder for the EditFolder editor. By default, the option is "Select Folder" (string expression)
exEditFolderIncludeFiles13 Specifies whether files are included in the EditFolder editor. By default, the option is False (Boolean expression)
exEditFolderNewUI14 Specifies whether the EditFolder editor uses the new user interface. By default, the option is False (Boolean expression)
exEditFolderShowEditBox15 Specifies whether the EditFolder editor displays an edit box field. By default, the option is True (Boolean expression)
exEditFolderAllowNewFolder16 Specifies specifies whether the EditFolder editor includes a button to allow creating a new folder. By default, the option is False (Boolean expression)
exEditFolderShowPath17 Indicates whether the EditFolder editor shows the current selected path. You can use this option in combination with exEditFolderShowEditBox on False, so the user can view the fully path of the selected file or folder in the EditFolder editor. By default, the option is False (Boolean expression)
exEditSingleLine18 Specifies if the inside edit-box is a single or multiple lines editor. If False, you can use the exEditMaxMultipleLines option to specify the number of lines that a multiple-lines editor may display. If False, you can use the exEditAutoSizeMultipleLines option to specify if the editor is auto-sizing when user alters the editor. By default, the option is True (Boolean expression)
exEditMaxMultipleLines19 Specifies the number of lines that a multiple-lines editor may display. This option has effect only if the exEditSingleLine property is False. By default, the option is 6 (long expression)
exEditAutoSizeMultipleLines20 Specifies if the multiple-lines editor is auto-sizing once the user alters the property's field. This option has effect only if the exEditSingleLine property is False. 
  • If the exEditAutoSizeMultipleLines property is 0, the size of the editor is not changed while the user alters the editor's content. In this case, the exEditMaxMultipleLines option specifies the number of lines to be displayed while editing the field.
  • If the exEditAutoSizeMultipleLines property is -1, the size of the editor is changed while the user alters the editor's content, so it fits it content. In this case, the exEditMaxMultipleLines option specifies the number of maximum lines to be displayed while editing the field. While editing, if the number of lines grows, the size of the editor is growing too.
  • If the exEditAutoSizeMultipleLines property is 1, the size of the editor is changed while the user alters the editor's content, so it fits it content. In this case, the exEditMaxMultipleLines option specifies the number of maximum lines to be displayed while editing the field. The height of the editor is not shrinking while the user is editing or removing lines.

By default, the option is -1 (long expression)